Friday, July 12, 2019

July 12, 2019

Someone, I think might be from "Blogger" itself, asked why I hadn't posted to my blog in a while. Well since May anyway. The answer is both simple and complicated. I've been busy, I have a life that does not involve much computer time right now, and I have a few health  issues that have slowed me down a little bit. 
I live near one of our Children and I have been her Baby sitter since mid October. I'm loving keeping up with him and watching him grow.  But since it's at her house, I don't have access to my computer since my laptop died on me. I have been reminded by my hubby that I have a lot (to him) of card making stuff but haven't been making any cards. I've made 4 of those but forgot to take pictures of them as they were needed a soon as I finished them. I did use marker to dress up another pair of white canvas shoes, but I won't take a picture now because I have been wearing them and they are dirty. I've been trying to keep the camper clean, which is harder while Hubby is not working. he's semi retired so he's still job hunting but so far he's not found much work, Not that he's under foot the the camper is small enough during the day when it's just me and the dogs but when he's here it feels even smaller and He wants to be able to leave in a minute at will and so if I'm in the middle of anything I need to be able to just stop and we go. So the clutter has built up a bit. 
While school is out, We both have been spending our mornings at the Senior Center. Believe me I am totally enjoying this. I am talking to other adults, something I've not really done a whole lot of over the years.  Sadly though, with meeting older (new to me) people there is a chance of their not being around long and I've lost two friend I didn't know all that long. I Miss Renee and Thelma.  I have "Friends" there now and they miss me when I am sitting my grandson. 
I'm not getting younger, that's for sure and so some health isses have come up. Early enough I can work on them, but they are still there and still need tending. I had two Dr appointments yesterday, one went very well, outside of my not losing weight, the other one, not so great and surgery is in my future, to remove the rest of my Thyroid. It's not critical  yet, but it could be so in the not to distant future so I have to keep aware of it, and e don't have anyway to pay for that surgery, right now. 
Now, the weather has been too hot to walk outside, and when it's not too hot, the blood sucker mosquitos attack in droves, or at least it seems they are in droves.  Walking the dogs is now Jerry's job, and he does a lot of the cooking.  I do most of the cleaning, at least inside. 
My plants are doing well. I picked up two more but they are more dead than alive and I'm in hopes of reviving them. I wanted to get a few seeds this past Spring, but we just didn't have the money to do so. But I have hopes that, next year, I can at least grow some tomatos in a bucket outside the door.  

Billie C.
 Life is a journey not a destination


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