Saturday, December 22, 2018

December 22, 2018
I hope your doing well.  
Not much to write about this week. I watched Liam all week. Hubby ended up with four days off, three were scheduled for him to be off, one was not. He was off because he still didn't have a car that was working well enough to trust getting from here to at least half way to work. He risked it this morning and made it to the half way point, where he had a ride waiting to take hi t the rest of the way. 
The kids last day of school for this week was Friday. B took the day off since High school may do that as one of their 6 excused days. C had to go though and he wasn't took happy about that.  But he was more grumpy because he wasn't able to play his game while she was at home that because he had to go to school. B took care of L for about 3 hours outside of changing his diaper (which  I took care of) and brought him to me about 10 minutes before Mom was due to come in through the door. He was starting to get fussy.  
I started a Gingerbread house by putting the sides together and the roof on top. I am in hopes that Heather and the kids will want to finish it up.  
That is about all the "Christmas" I did this past week.
I brought back home my airplane plant in hopes to save it from lack of sunlight. H's house is too dark for it and even a sunny room does not get enough light for it.

Billie C.
 Life is a journey not a destination

Saturday, December 15, 2018

12 15 2018

Just a quick update.
I really do want to keep up my blog much better. So many plans but I'm not very good about following a plan of any sort.
Hubby has been helping me "decorate" for Christmas this year. First off, we are playing our own version of Elf On the Shelf only our "Elf" is a snowman and a Santa. It took him a a few days to find Santa hiding above the window in the bathroom. He's now hiding in a stoking by the bathroom door.  He found the Snowman, where else but in the freezer. He's now Hiding in plain sight in a canvas shoe I intend to color with some Sharpies, soon. We've hung a few ornaments in the windows of the open area of the camper Santa's by the couch Angels in the dining room area. An assortment of things in the windows where i think they look good.  The kitchen has a red bow and the red pot holders are hung up. The stocking are on each side of the bathroom door. with a few things hung in that window as well. I didn't do anything "Holiday" at Daughters this week.  Just taking care of that grand son is enough, for now. He's such a happy baby when he's not hungry or wet/dirty. And once those two needs are taken care of, is happy again. So unlike how our own three kids where at his age. He's awake more, and you can just see his mind working out things, becoming more aware and in control of his body. He has more control of his head now. and he's aware that his hands are doing something. Even aware of his feet more. If he's laying beside me on the couch,on a boppy, he's wiggling down to where his feet touch me. Not to kick off but just to touch. He loves to listen to any one's heart beat. He is getting more and more 'tummy' time and lifting his head and looking around more. He is fascinated with the tree lights. He likes music and is trying to keep time with almost everything he hears.  I am so happy to be there with him, watching him become a "Person".  He has had colic and that is hard on his momma.  I am doing my best to keep him awake in the late afternoon so he will sleep better for her late at night.
Hubby got the car temporarily fixed. We now don't have heat in it, but it isn't losing water or leaking so he can drive it at least half way to work.  The "Computer" is suppose to be back tomorrow. It shouldn't take long to re-install it. We are in hopes that this is all that needs to be done to finally Fix the Expedition and put it back on the road again. 
Daughter has offered for us to bring the PT to her house and between her and her father, fix it. Its not going to be a quick job since the wheel has to be removed out of the way to replace the alternator then, of course, everything has to be put back in place again. But, at least for now, he's getting back and forth to work again and so there is much less stress around us.
Today is just puttering around the camper, cleaning it up. Over the week I made a list (rather long) of things I would like to get done in the two days I'm home. Some baking (Maybe) some candy making or deserts for this week at Heather's. We are missing our after meal sweets a bit.  A few things I want to print out. A "Lights Scavenger Hunt" list. or a "Christmas Bucket List".  I might want to Seal them so they can be used over and over.
Dishes MUST be done and that's what I'm working on as soon as I send this out, which will be in a just a few more minutes.
If I don't write anything next week. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Billie C.
 Life is a journey not a destination

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Hello and Happy Weekend.

Hello and Happy Weekend
I really enjoyed babysitting Liam this week. He's a very good baby for the most part.  Of course I'm spoiling him, just a little bit.  I do like changing his clothes. he has so many cute ones and will soon outgrow a lot of them.  We have our own routine set up now. he finishes a bottle he has started before I get there, then, after Mom and Siblings leave around 7:30, I change his diaper but not his  clothes unless they are wet, then he's either in his rocking bassinet by the window, with the curtains opened and the shades pulled up. He'll lay in there for at least an hour if not longer, most of the time, he's awake for about 30 minutes or not longer. I turn on the TV and set up a Nexflix movie and then straighten up a little.  Tossing trash and taking dishes to the kitchen if that is needed. I check on their dog, that he's not tangled his chain too much and give him a treat (and sometimes a bit of training) When Liam is hungry again, usually around 9 am, I change his diaper, and usually his clothes because they are damp(ish) and give him a bottle, burp him, get in some cuddle time then set him in the swing. He really likes his swing and will usually stay there until his mom comes home for lunch a few minutes after 11 am.  She gets him his "lunch" bottle and changes diaper and gets in lots of cuddle time with him before leaving a few minutes before noon to return to work.  He'll either be in a boppy on the couch or the swing or in he bassinet  He'll usually sleep until close to 3 pm and it's bottle time again, diaper time (again) and then burping and cuddle time with Grandma (again) I'll carry him around the house a bit just so he has a change of scenery He'll fall asleep not too long after his bottle and so either into the swing or into the bassinet. He waked up around 7 pm and of course is hungry, but Mom and siblings will be home soon so I keep him comfortable until they come in through the doors and my "day" is done.  My hubby, when the car is working as it should will be home sometime around 4:30.
But  This past week, it's been a later day for Liam's mom and my hubby. He has a ride from Soddy-Daisy to work, which is the half way point from our town to his job. Liam's Mom has been getting up extra early to drive him for our town to Soddy-Daisy to catch his ride on the says he has to work. It's a really long day for her and Jerry, since he has to wait for her to get off her job before she an come get him. Jerry's days off are Tuesday and Thursdays, but he ended up with Wednesday, trying to fix a loaner car, then he lost the key to the care and we have been looking for it, ever since.  Looking inside, and outside and around the cars in the daylight and after dark, and places he has been but not sure if he lost it before or after.
I Found the Key, this morning, in the camper, in an area he said he looked several times. It was on the floor under a small set of drawers that can roll around. I moved it out but didn't find it until I started to sweep the floor and cobwebs out of the way and it popped out from under the drawers... Whew.... talk about relief and joy...  Wow was I do happy to find that key. I knew we needed that key and I wasn't home when he lost it so I had no idea of were to look in the first place. L was looking in the grass, in the gravel in the corners of the camper where I knew he would have been, and just couldn't figure out where it should have been. I'm just glad it's been found and now we can see if the "fix" on the car is going to work or not.

Billie C.
 Life is a journey not a destination