Monday, January 7, 2013

I hope you had a restful Weekend.

I hope you had a restful Weekend. Ours was at least restful. Jerry had to work Saturday, but only for 8 hours instead of the 10 we expected. It was nice for him to be home before dark. We ate our dinner at Chick-fa-lay.. It was noisy as there were lots of kids . Sunday Morning we ate breakfast at our usual place (Golden Corral) and our dinner was at Wendy's. Did you know if you are "Of a certain Age" you can get senior drinks for free? It's a small cup the size of the kids drink, but you can get it refilled as often as you want.
After breakfast on Sunday, we went back toward the laundry mat we usually go to, and found it full. We decided to drive around a bit instead. We ended up back in South Boston. I was falling asleep, when Jerry said he had to use the bathroom and stopped at the gas station he often stops at on his way into work for his drinks. When he got back in the van, he said "Where to now?" I said We could look for a laundry mat and wouldn't you know, there was one right across the road from the gas station. It cost a bit more than the one in Danville but not that much more. It wasn't very busy when we got there but got busy not soon after wards but there were still plenty of machines. I do have to hang a few items in the camper today, but that dryer was a bit more full and these are the thicker things, i.e. a light jacket, a couple of thick T-shirts and some socks... I got most of them hung last night but I only have 7 hangers (no, I don't want any more than that) and the rest will be hung up this morning when I start my cleaning up.
I forgot to pull the sausage out of the freezer last night and had to cut off what I needed for Jerry's breakfast off the frozen roll. How I hate to do that. I'll have to cut the rest of the roll in a couple of hours while the roll is still semi frozen so I can get even, thin(er) slices for this week.
The News is saying that our Temperatures next Sunday may be in the upper 60's to low 70's. Yikes.. That is NOT winter weather at all. Much as I don't like the cold, We need a good cold snap to kill all the bugs.
(11 am)
I have bagged up the trash and put it outside to go into the van this evening. The dogs and I have had one walk, this morning

Outside my door ... (11 am) Its so nice and bright and sunny and warm. I only needed a light jacket to walk the dogs around the circle drive. Strips decided he was going to "lead" us and I did a couple of turn around's to confuse him. It's bad enough the dogs want to lead me when they don't know where I want to go, It's just downright funny when a cat does it. Now, if I could only get him to "sit" and "Stay" on command like I do the dogs.
The Dogs ... (11 am) Did good after they realized I was not going to let them lead me.. but Barney wanted to see where the cat went after he left us behind and took off over to another campsite. He wanted to chase a bird that got away.
The Cats ... (11 am) Strips came into the camper after our walk, the other two didn't even budge. The don't want outside where it's a little chilly in the shade. I bet they would go outside if I shook the cat food bucket.
From the kitchen...
Taco Pie
8 servings
A pre-baked crust of refrigerated crescent-roll dough is filled with a mixture of browned ground beef and taco seasoning layered with sour cream, shredded cheese, and crushed nacho chips. It is returned to the oven for about 10 minutes."
1 (8 ounce) package refrigerated crescent rolls
1 pound ground beef
1 (1 ounce) package taco seasoning mix
1 (16 ounce) container sour cream
8 ounces shredded Mexican-style cheese blend
1 (14.5 ounce) package crushed tortilla chips
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2.Lay crescent dough flat on the bottom of a square cake pan and bake according to package directions.
3. Meanwhile, brown the ground beef in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add the taco seasoning and stir together well. When dough is done, remove from oven and place meat mixture on top, then layer with sour cream and cheese, and then top off with the crushed nacho chips.
4. Return to oven and bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 10 minutes, or until cheese has melted.
When Beth called me this morning I mentioned that I was going to make this for our Dinner and she said she had made it over the weekend. She said that I may want to season the dough a bit as it's a bit sweet. She said that, next time she makes this, She will either sprinkle some Garlic or Onion powder over the crust.. or use a blend of the two. I suggested Season Salt since it has both and she said that may work.. When I looked at the amount of seasoning I had in my Taco Seasoning packet, I noticed it was more than 1 oz so I sprinkled some of that over the dough and put the rest of the packet in the ground beef I had on in the skillet. Since my hubby does NOT like Sour Cream, I'll not put that on.. Beth said she put some sour cream on after it was baked, on her portion since her S/O doesn't like Sour Cream either and she said that's really the way to do it so the Sour Cream stays cool. I used Frito Chips since I'm out of Nacho Chips.

Billie C

<Goals for 2013
Lose a pound a week. Y
Walk around the drive circle twice each day. \
Complete at least one craft a week
Read at least one book a week.

Spring countdown banner

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