Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Good Morning

Good Morning.  I still have this head cold, but it's not as bad as it was.. but now Jerry has it too.  I'm hoping we both have it kicked before Friday, I have plans.
What, Me? Plans?
Donna has invited me to her friends house for a dance. I'm all but set in what I'm going to wear and what treat I'm going to take.
I hope to take lots of pictures (IF I remember my camera)
The treat is one that Vicky Story told me about long ago.
Make peanut butter and ritz cracker sandwiches then dip them in melted Chocolate.   I think Vicky would have loved to meet Donna.  I still miss hearing from Vicky. I have yet to remove her email addy from my address book. That just seems to make it so, final.  I was over a year in removing my Mom's address from my address book, after she died. I would send off an email ever now and then to her (Knowing she was not going to read it) and when I got a returned to sender, I knew it was time to remove her address.. that was so very hard, cause I had felt like I could continue to send her messages and she would find a way to read them... make any sense to you?
Well here it is, almost 8 am and it is still pre=dawn.  It's light out but the sun sure seems slow in getting it's self over the horizon.  No real plans for the day. Buy a newspaper so I can cut a pattern out for a couple of dolls I want to make some clothes for. I want to do some sewing this afternoon, which means setting up the fold up table in the living room. (It will be in the way, I'm sure)
The dogs got Jerry up early this morning and so now Jerry and they are asleep now. (like I said, it's almost 8am)  I haven't heard the cats at the door yet. I'm sure they are around, just waiting for me to put some dry food out for them. We have two camp cats that come up and eat when our own are finished.
Last night we had Hamburger patties, mac and cheese (don't waste your money on the Betty Crocker mac and cheese ) and salad. A couple of cookies finished off the meal.
tonight will be hot dogs. Or we would end up with hamburgers again.  Time to go shopping again.
Sure can tell it's fall in Tennessee.  I have a heater on in both ends of the camper but as soon as that ol sun comes up, I'll be turning them off and about an hour after that opening vents, windows and the door.
I've made a 'Honey Do' list for Jerry. I had three items on it and he's worked on one.  I'm going to ask him to work on another today. plus I just thought of one item to add to his list.  I'll have to help with that item as it's setting up the propane heater to run. We took it off the wall to get the couch in, and now have to thread the pipe back outside again. 
When we dropped of the metal shelves we found by the dumpster, Donna gave me a flannel nightgown she had made for herself. She said she got too hot in it. I love it as it's just right for the coolish morning we are having today.
I really do need to start reading some of the books I have on my kindle. between it and my computer I have over 3,000... I know, I'll never get them all read. but it's nice knowing I have them if I need them. (Yes, I'm a horder) I think I paid for only 5 or 6 of them. the rest were free.
well, I better finish this up, as I need to go to the back and start cleaning up a bit.  Sure is funny how quickly my camper seems to get trashed when Jerry's home and how slowly I am in getting it cleaned up again.  I do have to do dishes today, sometime. And I want to get some things made today. I always have a hard time in getting around to making something, because of old habits.  One being that Mom would not allow us kids to do any of the "fun" stuff until the house was straightened up.  That is still a hard thing to work past. I don't seem to enjoy making something if my house is not put to rights first. the chores seem to sit behind me and nag at me to get up and take care of them before I sit and make something.

Billie C.

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