Jan 2020 mid month update
Well, the year started off .. um.. good and not good.
We slept in the New Year. Nothing special going on and we watched the news just before going to bed. Not a whole lot was going on, anyway
Hubby had to go to back to work on the 2nd. He was off work for 2 weeks, no pay and so things were just a little tight. All the over time he put in before the two weeks did help out but still.. we had to be careful for abit.
Anyway, He went in to work although it was raining very hard all day long. His day starts at 3 pm and gets off at 11pm. Well I was keeping an eye on the creek, checking it every hour, more or less.. well I started checking it every 10 minutes starting at 10 pm... and by 10:20 was calling Hubby and the people on site 1, who also work where Hubby works, that the creek was coming out of the banks and that we should consider moving the camper to higher grounds. Well the neighbor can't really move the camper they are in, no battery in it. But they did come home early to pick up a few things to be on the safe side. Even though we started early we ran into a few minor problems and a couple of the other campers had to wait for us to move so they could get out but the water wasn't very high, yet. the Yucca plant outside the back of the camper had grown around our power line and it took three men to pull it out of that plant . and the SUV wasn't very co-operative in pulling out and Hubby had to back up a bit and try again to make the swing. If the garage across the drive was just 2 more foot away there would not have been a problem. But, We moved it, and everyone got their rigs out , with one coming through our yard instead of using the drive because otherwise they would have run into the same problem we had of making the swing ro get by a tree and not be in too deep of water. We now have ruts in the grass, but those will smooth over by the time the grass needs to be mowed, I think. When I saw the water coming up, I went to each camper door and knocked as lund ad I could to wake people up and let each know that the creek was up. I thought one camper was empty since their car was moved but found out, one man was there and almost deaf.. but he got the message. They moved their rig to Chattanooga, I guess since I've not seen them since. Hubby said they picked up their ramp and some other stuff left behind, on the wall, while I was watching Liam on Monday, the 6th.
We were back on our site by noon on the 3rd, but not just as we were before and since there is still a lot of rain in our for caste, we really haven't tried to reset it just yet. We are almost level, but a bit further back than before and one of our boards split. We have 4 x 8 boards and really need 4 x 10 or 4 x 12 to have wide enough boards to go under the tires. That garage is still in our way of putting the camper "Just Right" where it should go. I did the best I could in guiding Hubby back, and then I got in and he tried to guide me back.. and then realized that We are just going to have to leave it where it's at, for now and wait for a truck across the drive way to be moved out of the way since we can not move the garage .
The kids went back to school on Monday, the 6th and I am now back to spending my day's with Liam. He's truly a busy baby boy. He has an indoor slide and swing. He was up and down that slid all day long Monday. If he wasn't sliding down it, he was letting his toys slid down it. Tuesday he wanted to swing but only for a little bit. Same for Thursday. Wednesday he was back to the slid and playing with his new ball pit in the den and bringing me balls and tossing balls at me and getting into things, and well.. I was sure glad when it was nap time and he fell right to sleep. Nap time is usually 2 hours long and I try to put him done about 1 pm so that he's had time to wake up, be changed and ready to play when the rest of his family come in through the door. Picking on , teasing and yelling at each other. Such a lot of noise after just him and I in the house.
I've been able to mostly keep up with my own housework. The dishes always seem to need to be washed up and the floors swept and the walls dusted for cobwebs Other wise the camper is staying clean and Dinner is what ever I find I want to eat. Usually soup or a sandwich and a piece of fruit. not much beyond that, for now.
My houseplants were not liking being inside, but Hubby had to change out a light fixture when it stopped working and now the plants are doing much better wit the new light he put in. I've called the People who have the community garden to see if I can get a plot and it looks like I might be able to. I'm not sure how large it will be so making plans on what to grow is still up in the air and how much work will need to be done before the first seeds or plants go in. but I am looking forward to trying to grow a few things this year.
I hope you year started of well and you are making some plans for the year. Take care and I'll try to remember to write more at the end of the month.