Saturday, December 22, 2018

December 22, 2018
I hope your doing well.  
Not much to write about this week. I watched Liam all week. Hubby ended up with four days off, three were scheduled for him to be off, one was not. He was off because he still didn't have a car that was working well enough to trust getting from here to at least half way to work. He risked it this morning and made it to the half way point, where he had a ride waiting to take hi t the rest of the way. 
The kids last day of school for this week was Friday. B took the day off since High school may do that as one of their 6 excused days. C had to go though and he wasn't took happy about that.  But he was more grumpy because he wasn't able to play his game while she was at home that because he had to go to school. B took care of L for about 3 hours outside of changing his diaper (which  I took care of) and brought him to me about 10 minutes before Mom was due to come in through the door. He was starting to get fussy.  
I started a Gingerbread house by putting the sides together and the roof on top. I am in hopes that Heather and the kids will want to finish it up.  
That is about all the "Christmas" I did this past week.
I brought back home my airplane plant in hopes to save it from lack of sunlight. H's house is too dark for it and even a sunny room does not get enough light for it.

Billie C.
 Life is a journey not a destination

Saturday, December 15, 2018

12 15 2018

Just a quick update.
I really do want to keep up my blog much better. So many plans but I'm not very good about following a plan of any sort.
Hubby has been helping me "decorate" for Christmas this year. First off, we are playing our own version of Elf On the Shelf only our "Elf" is a snowman and a Santa. It took him a a few days to find Santa hiding above the window in the bathroom. He's now hiding in a stoking by the bathroom door.  He found the Snowman, where else but in the freezer. He's now Hiding in plain sight in a canvas shoe I intend to color with some Sharpies, soon. We've hung a few ornaments in the windows of the open area of the camper Santa's by the couch Angels in the dining room area. An assortment of things in the windows where i think they look good.  The kitchen has a red bow and the red pot holders are hung up. The stocking are on each side of the bathroom door. with a few things hung in that window as well. I didn't do anything "Holiday" at Daughters this week.  Just taking care of that grand son is enough, for now. He's such a happy baby when he's not hungry or wet/dirty. And once those two needs are taken care of, is happy again. So unlike how our own three kids where at his age. He's awake more, and you can just see his mind working out things, becoming more aware and in control of his body. He has more control of his head now. and he's aware that his hands are doing something. Even aware of his feet more. If he's laying beside me on the couch,on a boppy, he's wiggling down to where his feet touch me. Not to kick off but just to touch. He loves to listen to any one's heart beat. He is getting more and more 'tummy' time and lifting his head and looking around more. He is fascinated with the tree lights. He likes music and is trying to keep time with almost everything he hears.  I am so happy to be there with him, watching him become a "Person".  He has had colic and that is hard on his momma.  I am doing my best to keep him awake in the late afternoon so he will sleep better for her late at night.
Hubby got the car temporarily fixed. We now don't have heat in it, but it isn't losing water or leaking so he can drive it at least half way to work.  The "Computer" is suppose to be back tomorrow. It shouldn't take long to re-install it. We are in hopes that this is all that needs to be done to finally Fix the Expedition and put it back on the road again. 
Daughter has offered for us to bring the PT to her house and between her and her father, fix it. Its not going to be a quick job since the wheel has to be removed out of the way to replace the alternator then, of course, everything has to be put back in place again. But, at least for now, he's getting back and forth to work again and so there is much less stress around us.
Today is just puttering around the camper, cleaning it up. Over the week I made a list (rather long) of things I would like to get done in the two days I'm home. Some baking (Maybe) some candy making or deserts for this week at Heather's. We are missing our after meal sweets a bit.  A few things I want to print out. A "Lights Scavenger Hunt" list. or a "Christmas Bucket List".  I might want to Seal them so they can be used over and over.
Dishes MUST be done and that's what I'm working on as soon as I send this out, which will be in a just a few more minutes.
If I don't write anything next week. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Billie C.
 Life is a journey not a destination

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Hello and Happy Weekend.

Hello and Happy Weekend
I really enjoyed babysitting Liam this week. He's a very good baby for the most part.  Of course I'm spoiling him, just a little bit.  I do like changing his clothes. he has so many cute ones and will soon outgrow a lot of them.  We have our own routine set up now. he finishes a bottle he has started before I get there, then, after Mom and Siblings leave around 7:30, I change his diaper but not his  clothes unless they are wet, then he's either in his rocking bassinet by the window, with the curtains opened and the shades pulled up. He'll lay in there for at least an hour if not longer, most of the time, he's awake for about 30 minutes or not longer. I turn on the TV and set up a Nexflix movie and then straighten up a little.  Tossing trash and taking dishes to the kitchen if that is needed. I check on their dog, that he's not tangled his chain too much and give him a treat (and sometimes a bit of training) When Liam is hungry again, usually around 9 am, I change his diaper, and usually his clothes because they are damp(ish) and give him a bottle, burp him, get in some cuddle time then set him in the swing. He really likes his swing and will usually stay there until his mom comes home for lunch a few minutes after 11 am.  She gets him his "lunch" bottle and changes diaper and gets in lots of cuddle time with him before leaving a few minutes before noon to return to work.  He'll either be in a boppy on the couch or the swing or in he bassinet  He'll usually sleep until close to 3 pm and it's bottle time again, diaper time (again) and then burping and cuddle time with Grandma (again) I'll carry him around the house a bit just so he has a change of scenery He'll fall asleep not too long after his bottle and so either into the swing or into the bassinet. He waked up around 7 pm and of course is hungry, but Mom and siblings will be home soon so I keep him comfortable until they come in through the doors and my "day" is done.  My hubby, when the car is working as it should will be home sometime around 4:30.
But  This past week, it's been a later day for Liam's mom and my hubby. He has a ride from Soddy-Daisy to work, which is the half way point from our town to his job. Liam's Mom has been getting up extra early to drive him for our town to Soddy-Daisy to catch his ride on the says he has to work. It's a really long day for her and Jerry, since he has to wait for her to get off her job before she an come get him. Jerry's days off are Tuesday and Thursdays, but he ended up with Wednesday, trying to fix a loaner car, then he lost the key to the care and we have been looking for it, ever since.  Looking inside, and outside and around the cars in the daylight and after dark, and places he has been but not sure if he lost it before or after.
I Found the Key, this morning, in the camper, in an area he said he looked several times. It was on the floor under a small set of drawers that can roll around. I moved it out but didn't find it until I started to sweep the floor and cobwebs out of the way and it popped out from under the drawers... Whew.... talk about relief and joy...  Wow was I do happy to find that key. I knew we needed that key and I wasn't home when he lost it so I had no idea of were to look in the first place. L was looking in the grass, in the gravel in the corners of the camper where I knew he would have been, and just couldn't figure out where it should have been. I'm just glad it's been found and now we can see if the "fix" on the car is going to work or not.

Billie C.
 Life is a journey not a destination

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Jan 17, 2018

I am having trouble finding propane.  I have been having trouble out of the heaters control as well.   The heater is working, when I turn off the control then turn it back on. but it is going to need to be replaced and I don't know how to do that. Hubby is going to be home this weekend and will take care of it when he gets here. The place we will (Hopfully) get the pars also sells Propane and I just hope they are not out, like all the places here in town are out.
I think I'm going to make a pot of beans tomorrow for my dinner. My last pot of beans were white beans so this time, I'll make Pinto beans. I think I'll get out everything for cornbread and make some to go with the beans. 
Hubby isn't working today, because of the weather where he's at. The roads were too slick to go to work and the job site isn't in any better shape either. He said that they should ony lose today and that the weather is suppose to improve quickly.
Last night, when Itook the dogs out for last call. Barney got loose, or I didn't get the hook on his collar very well. Either way, I'm calling him, but he's having a grand time. I can't see him cause he's as black as the night. I'm calling and calling, the other two can at least see him a bit cause I can see them looking, tracking, him. Just as I'm ready to leave his arse outside and put the other two in, here he comes back, all wiggles and joy. I sure hope he peed while he was out because im not going to open that door again until morning. If he had not come back in with the others i would be opening that door in about 30 minutes and calling for him. That is if he'd not already come to the door and barked.

Billie C.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

January 16, 2018

It's been a bit chilly here today and we have snow on the ground. Not a lot of it, not enough to cover the ground but enough to see it around the base of trees. Scchools were canceled as was the Senior Center today. I just check the Closings list from one of the local TV stations and so far nothing around here has been canceled tomorrow but there is still plenty of time for that to still happen.  If it stays cold there is a chance that the schools and the Senior Center wil be closed. To much risk of someone getting hurt on the roads around here. We don't usually get a lot of slick roads and it's better to stay home and be safe than to risk anyone getting hurt trying to come down off one of the mountains. Welp, I just checked the closing again.. and our local schools are closed so the Senior Center will also be closed tomorrow.
I had the dogs out just a bit ago. Once the all pee'd Barney got a wild bee, and was trying to get the other two to play with him in the snow. He was "Mad Dashing" back and florth a ew times and barking and just plain out enjoying himself in the snow. I would have stayed out longer but my feet were getting cold. When we came back inside I changed my socks. I didn't realize that my socks had gotten that damp before  i went outside or I would have changed them before we went out.  I changed my shoes, as well. I think I may have to toss out that pair of shoes at this rate.  The heat has come on a couple of times. I am wearing layers and am comfortable enough for now. I still need to  call the Gas Station where we get propane  in a bit to see if they have gotten a delivery in or not.  According to the local weather, it's going to warm up into the 50's by this next weekend. Not sure for how long that is going to last.
I fixed the last of the white beans for my lunch and pulled a container of Beef Stew out of the bunk room to fix for my dinner.It's easy to warm up and easy to clean up when I'm done.  I'm debatting about wether to have a fruit cup or a cream filled cookie for my dessert.   my breakfast was oatmeal with Ginger Sugar and Cinnamon in it. two slicees of toast and two scrambled eggs.
I've been catching up on some of the things recorded over the last couple of weeks.  Mainly Scorpion and now, Call the Midwife.
I've been wearing layers today. PJ bottoms under my jogging pants. three tops and a hat. My feet are still cold even with two pairs of socks on so I might have to find something else to put on them to warm them up.
I painted 4 rocks today. I need to seal them soon.

Billie C.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

January 11, 2018

Hello.  I do hope you are doing well.  It's been a bit dreary here and although I have enjoyed being outside, it's very damp and gray.

I did paint a rock while at the Senior Center today. I just put the year on it (2018). I will seal it in a few days.  I did paint 4 rocks here at the camper, last night. I already had one painted and after I returned from the Center, I put the first coat of sealer on them. I will put another one in a little while then, I'll turn them over and add "F #Dunlaprocks" to the backs and then seal those as well. I don't know if I'll put them out this weekend or not.  
You know. most years of the Olympics, there is some fuss being made. I wonder why not this year.

There isn't much housework I need to attend to today. Most I got done, before I left for the center. The bed is made and the few dishes are washed up and the floors are all swept.
Because the Center will be closed for MLK day, next Monday, I received a box of frozen food to be warmed up in the microwave. It has two days of food in it. one the holiday and one for the Wednesday after next. The Place that sends the hot meals, does not send meals on two Wednesday a month. November and December, we had a  carry in (Pot luck) on one of those days. I'm not sure yet, if there will be a carry in this month or not.  The Director of the center is decorating for Valentines day, already. I kinda hoped that she would have put up snowflakes and winter stuff for January, instead.  I just don't  want to get  tired of Valentine and "Love" stuff before February 14.
I saw with Doris this morning, before and after painting a rock. She didn't look very well after we had our dinner. I sure hope she's not getting sick. I changed tables where I sit because at the first table, I was the only one there until a few minutes before 11 each day. Dinner is serve at 11:30.  I was asked if any one at that table had upset me and I reassured her no, but that I had noticed that Doris has been sitting alone and wanted to keep her company. Also Doris and the other ladies who sit at that table also ride the bus to the center. I do enjoy the ride in and from the Center. It's not a long ride and without it, I would not be able to go.
I made oatmeal for my breakfast this morning. I added a ripe banana a spoonful of ginger sugar, and a large spoonful of peanut butter. I had two small spoonfuls of Cherry Dumplings that Evelyn had made for this morning. She used pie crust for the dumplings. She also made a vegetable soup and I had a small bowlful of that just before dinner was served. The menu called for BBQ Chicken but it was not BBQ at all. It was a bit spicy but it was not BBQ sauce. I got too much corn and a bit to much of the greens. The "Biscuit" was not very large which was a good thing since I was almost full by the time I got to it on my plate. I brought home the banana and the carton of milk. I'll use the milk over some cereal this weekend.
I am going through some of the things we have recorded over the last few weeks. Right now I am watching "Victoria". Once I finish that, I'll catch up on "Y&R" or watch something on Nexflix.
I work a lighter weight gray T-shirt that has Angel wings and the word "Faith" on it. I did change my nail polish yesterday from a red to a dark purple. I think Purple is a good color for cold weather.

Billie C.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Jan 10, 2018

I hope your not bored with my writing a daily note to my blog.
I really, really need to get back to posting to all my blogs much more often.  It's drippy outside. not much fog but I can tell it really wouldn't take much more humidity for there to be fog . I am enjoying this brief warm up, but know it's going to get cold again, all too soon. I'm ready for more cold but I'm not looking foreward to it.
I am going to the Senior Center today, more to "Hang out" that because the food is good. i am not much for playing cards, but i like to sit and watch.  I think I might paint a rock or two today, though. I took in a few printed off pictures in case anyone wanted to color. I know many still think of "coloring" as a kid thing, but I enjoy doing it and that's all that matter.
I had Oatmeal with an over ripe banana and ginger sugar in it. I hope that Evlyn has made something "sweet" for this morning to finish my breakfast with. Today is "Regular Meal" which means that Evlyne will be doing the cooking at the center today.Todays' meal was Sloppy Joe's with a bun, Cole Slaw, corn and a Cream filled Oatmeal cookie.
  I'm not sure what I will fix for my dinner tonight. I have some burger that needs used up, but I also have some pork that I should use soon, as well. I might use the pork and use it like I would for a tuna salad and have that on crackers.
Rocky is fussing at Barney because Barney wants in the kennel with Rocky. I'll soon ahve to lock Rocky in, because He just will not stay in the bunkroom, where I want him to stay when I'm not home. Barney and Macon are good about not jumping the table that is on it's side as a gate but Rocky figured out a way to get over it. If he's not jumping it, he's pulling or pushing it to get it to open up. If they would stay out of the trash cans, I might not mind them in the middle of the camer when I'm gone, but they make a mess if I'm gone and they are not put in "Their" room.
I really should start finding a Quote for each day.  I Think today's quote would belong the lines of "Make the most of each day".
I have the TV on. The news on CBS, but like yesterday, there really isn't a lot of "News" but a lot of gossip.  Actor's, movie promotions, What the "Royals" are or are not doing. Locally, there been an oil or petrolum spill near the Tennessee River in Chattanooga.
I don't have to dress as warmly as I did yesterday. I'm still wearing "Jogging" pants. Brown ones today, as well as a grey long sleeved T-Shirt.  I changed my earrings from small red flowers to Crystal hearts. 
I'm going to take the book I picked up yesterday with me today and when I'm not painting, will start reading it. It's large print so it should not take me a long time to read it. I really do need to get back into reading again. Emails and notes are good but I need to get back to reading  stories that take a bit of time to finish. 
When I get back from the Center, I will do up what few dishes I have in the sink, and then clean off the dining room table. I did paint a few rocks yesterday and need to seal them and take pictures of them. I might get out my Cricut after I get that done, and just cut a bit of paper to get back into crafting again.
I need to have Daughter take me to get propane tomorrow afternoon. The man who puts it into the tanks won't be there until after 3 pm. I messaged her this mornig to ask when she gets of work tomorrow but not heard back from her, just yet. I'm not low but I don't want to have empty tanks when these run out.  I really dont have any other plans, just yet. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

January 9, 2018

Ah, a change in the weather. It won't last but while it's here, I'm going to enjoy it. It's cloudy and foggy outside right now but a high of the ay near 50 will be most welcomed. We might have some Snow on Saturday. but as long as it's not really, really cold, I'll enjoy it. But before that we might even be in the mid to 60's on Thursday. The dogs didn't want to hurry this morning. I let them have the few extra minutes while I did some cleaning up of the yard. Trying to keep ahead of that while I can because when it gets cold again, it will be harder to get off the ground. It was pleasant enough to not feel a chill while walking around in the grass "hunting' it all.

 It's nice to not have to leave the water dripping or have the heaters going full blast today. I'll be gone most of the morning and the dogs don't need it as warm as I do in here.

 Yesterday's dinner was more of a breakfast. I made buttermilk pancakes and then fried an egg to go on top. I had a cup of mandarin oranges for dessert.
Today I went to the Center and the menu called for roasted pork with gravy,Pinto beans, Okra and tomatoes, along with some cornbread. The Center was closed due to weather so instead of the roasted pork with a  dessert of diet Cherry Jell-o.  we had what was on the menu for yesterday.  we had beef teriyaki, Oriental Blend Vegetables that was mostly broccoli, pineapple orange juice, and a chocolate Marshmallow pie (snack cake)

 I wondered what Evelyn was going to make for those who don't much care for the offered meal. Evelyn made a large pot of white beans and a pan of corn bread. She had some cut up onion to go in the beans.  I crumbled up a small piece of the cornbread into a small bowl then put the beans on top then added a few onion pieces to it. Very good. 
My breakfast this morning was a banana, cut up into a bowl along with a serving of oatmeal with cinnamon and ginger added to the bowl. I've not added anything else because I figure I can get a bite or two at the center. Evelyn had made a fruit cobbler that I had a small serving of that was just the perfect. Half a spoon full was more than enough.
 I sat with Doris this morning. We chatted a bit, mostly about our dogs. Someone brought in a hand full of books and I picked up "The Amish Groom". I will read it then take it in for someone else to read, when I'm done with it. I really do need to start reading again.  I'm taking in a rock I finally finished, to put on Evelyn's desk. It says "I'd Rather Be At The Beach". and has a painted shell of a beach with two more much smaller shells glued to it.

 The worst thing about weather like this, is I don't get out and see people. I did talk with Hubby on the phone, after he got off work after 8 hours. and Don called to let me know he would be here to get me around 8:30 this morning. 

 I watched the local news this morning and the national news on CBS but really, there isn't a whole lot of "News" on the news any more. They were talking about how this is the 6th anniversary of the makeover of the news show. but they didn't mention that Charlie Rose is no longer on the show. Most of the rest was either about North and South Korea or what Oprah said at an awards show on Sunday.
 I'm wearing "warm" clothes today. Gray Jogging pants and a purple sweater .Heather doesn't like it when I call my pants "sweat pants". I did get my hair brushed and sprayed to keep it from going all wild on me this morning. I found a blue button up sweater at Serenity Thrift store and decided I want to take it with me today. I did get my blue parka mended. It took me much longer than I expected. 
 I need to change my nail polish soon and I noticed a few chips after I got dressed. 
I need to find something to either finish or add more to. I might get out the Cricut and cut some paper or paint some rocks when I get home, after I do the dishes and paint my nails that is.
 I do need to get a few things done around here, before I do any crafting. Dishes and sweep the floors. maybe even mop the floors if it's not still muddy outside.  I should go through and print out old "Crafts Newsletters'. First thing I do, after I put my things down inside, is let the dogs go out for a quick Potty break. The neighbor across the drive was out, on his phone so I had to cut the dogs being out a bit short since they wanted to stare and bark at him rather than taking care of business.

 My plans for today are still to get the dishes done and then I want to work on a craft or two. I'm not sure what I'll fix for dinner yet. Maybe a Bateman meal, or I'll open a can of pork and warm it up and put it on a roll.  I'll sweep the floors but not mop until tomorrow since it's still very muddy outside. I am thinking of moving a couple of rocks from the other side of the house to put under the steps so I'm not sliding around in mud when I'm trying to come into the camper.


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Jan 7, 2018

Hello again.
It's been a busy first week of the year. We had a quiet New Years Eve. We even went to bed early and only woke up when we heard the fireworks going off. The dogs barked, once. We had frozen water pipes all day New Years day, and couldn't do anything about that until January 2. We left early on the 2nd to go to Chattanooga to get parts to fix the inlet to the camper. The first place we went to, Camping World, showed on their web site that they had several in stock. When we got there they didn't have any on the shelf.  I suggested we stop in Hixson at a RV place that we have gotten parts from before, and they had the parts we needed. So back home and Hubby got the parts replaced even though it was very cold outside. He was able to get water to the tub before he had to leave to return to a job he is on. He worked a few hours on Wednesday and a few more on Thursday, but it was still way to cold for anyone to be working outside. The job shut down for the weekend and he came home of Friday. Hubby left here around 10:30 to go back to the job, again. The weather forecast looks like it's going to be much warmer for working outside, but wet and maybe icy as well.  He's got the clothes for this kind of weather but not so sure anyone else he's working with are prepared for this kind of weather.
    We went to the Auction last night and enjoyed ourselves.  We didn't pick up a lot of things. some charge sticks for his phone, one for me for when I take my non served phone to the Senior Center. I can catch up on facebook through the Wi-Fi on it, but can't get any calls on it.
    We ran out of Propane in the tanks this morning. Hubby was able to change out both tanks before we left for our usual Sunday Buffet Breakfast. He had put fresh propane tanks on the camper on December 31 so they only lasted a week. But this past week was very cold and I tried to be very conservative with the heat. Next week looks to be much warmer so maybe the tanks will last longer. Hubby's pay day is Thursday so I can ask our daughter to take me and the tanks to a local refill station once his money drops into the bank account.  I'm not sure I have enough "Umph" to get the tanks into their holes on the camper. I will try but I might have to ask Daughter to help with that if I can't get them up high enough
   I took the dogs outside, once Hubby left to return to work. The dogs did not like it when it was so cold. It's feeling much warmer today and Barney wanted Macon to play with him.  He kept pulling on Macon's lead trying to get Macon to chase him.  I cleaned the yard while I could and then took both that bag and the trash from inside the house to the roll around bin out front. I expect I'll have to repeat that on either Tuesday or Wednesday. 
    It was Sunny when I had the dogs outside a second time, about an hour ago and now, it's looking yucky again. It's not getting cold inside yet, and I'm wearing layers anyway. I will have to run the heat for a bit this evening because I need a to clean up to go to the Center tomorrow. That is if it's not canceled due to bad weather. We are on the edge of where the ice and snow and rain are to come in late tonight then change over to rain. If it changes early enough, no problem. If it's icy I doubt the Center will be open. I had brought out my long dark blue (purpleish) Parka from storage a few weeks ago, and saw that one of the inside seams had come apart. I kept putting off sewing it back together but today, figured I better get it done. Well, it wasn't just one seam but both seams that go up under the arms. I had to get out my magnifying glass for crafting in order to thread the needle. I didn't use it for the first seam but needed it for the second one just to be sure I was catching the material each time I did a stitch.  I wore the coat outside when I just took the dogs out, just to be sure it is still going to be warm enough over the next few days. This parka is more water repellent that any other coat I have and I don't want to wear a rain coat. When I broght the dogs inside, I brought the ends of the leads in, so they will be warm and dry when I take the dogs out after dark this evening for their "last Call". making sure the door will still close well and not gap around the leads too much. I have a small rug I can toss over in that area to help keep the cold out.
    I'm not sure what I'm going to fix for my dinner right now. I have a bit of browned ground beef, enough for me for one meal. I also have some Beef Rib meat that I really should get out of the fridge before it goes bad. Thinking I'll do that. I'm not sure what I'll do for a vegetable though. I found that all my salad had gone bad in the fridge. I don't like canned vegetables, but I'll eat it if I have to.  I do have some Tuna and canned Chicken I can make meals with along with some Chicken noodle soup, some tomato soup, some beef stew and some other canned meals that are easy to make. I have thought of making a small pot of white beans for dinner for tomorrow. I have a small slice of ham I can add to it. 

Billie C.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Jan 5, 2018

Jan 5, 2018
I know that the nation is facing some really bad weather and here in the Sequatchie valley we are not fairing much better. We wer at 9F this morning , before the sun came up. and now at 8:30 we are at 13F. We might get up to the Freezing point before it starts to go back down into the teens again tonight. It's so cold that the job Hubby is working on has been called off for the weekend and he'll be back on site by Monday morning. I am thinking that he's going to end up changing out the propane tanks before he has to leave, because it's been so cold over the last few days.  Even with a heat tape under pipe insulation and running the water at more than a drip I expected for the water to freeze up. But, the great news is, we still have running water to the camper. It may even get warm enough I can turn off the hot taps long enough that I can heat water in the hot water tank to do up the dishes..or I just might use a large pan and heat water on the stove and keep more of the heat inside the camper. (thinking thats what I"m going to do)
The dogs were taken out, after the sun had come up. It wasn't very warm but they had to go out. Macon was first to finish and Barney was not far behind him. Then the nieghbor came down his steps and those two decieded to bark, so into the camper I sent them. Rocky wasn't finished just yet, so I let him stay out a bit longer. He didn't bark but sure looked like he was ready to go meet them. Not today, dog, it's too cold to stand around meeting people.
I'm not sure, yet, what to fix for dinner tonight. I might just go with chili and corn chips.  Of course, Hubby might not want that so plans could change.
I painted my fingernails yesterday. I am not sure how long that will last, but I want to get back to painting them at least once a week. more often if the paint gets chipped or messed up somehow.

Billie C.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

January 4, 2018

 It got Cold again last night, but we didn't lose our water this time. I woke up a few times in the night, just to listen to hear if it was still dripping in the bathtub. Each time I was happy to hear it was still going. The camper is on the cool side but warm enough if I wear layers, and a cap.   
 When I took the dogs out, this morning, i saw snow flakes in the air. Plenty of them but not many clouds. Every time I look out the windows I see more of them, but none of them sttm to be sticking to the ground.  I don't mind seeing it in the air but I sure don't want to have to be walking around on or in the stuff.
 I'm catching up on the cleaning in the camper. I have the bedroom caught up, again. but still need to get to the rest of the camper. I need to find a better place for the things by where I sit. I went through the drawers the other day, and removed a lot of things into a wash basin to take to the bunk room, but even in there needs cleaned up and organized again. I just don't know where to start, my seating area or the bunkroom.
 I had Cereal and a banana for breakfast. If I was going to the Senior Center I would be having Chicken Noodle soup for lunch. I just might still have that, since I picked upa few cans the other day when we went shopping. I'm not sure what will be for my dinner just yet. I have plenty to work with. I do have some browned ground beef that needs to be used up soon. I might look to see if I have everything else I need for a Taco soup.

Billie C.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

January 3, 2018

I had to cancel going to the Senior Center for the week. Today I have to wait for the water to thaw and there's a good chance that will happen today since the high is suppose to be in the upper 30's to mid 40's.  Tomorrow and Friday is going to be cold, so I'm not wanting to get up early to take the dogs out, then have to go out again to get on the bus. And I need to keep the eye on the water to make sure it stays dripping. 
I am cleaning the camper and working on organizing my crafts stuff, again. 
Hum. it's afternoon, I have the heat turned up, the doors opened to under the sinks and still the water is not flowing through the faucets. I'm about at my wit's end. (One hour later) wooHoo. we have water to all faucets again!! Now I can get the dishes done and eat off of nothing other that foam or paper. I have the water heating up now.

Billie C.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Jan 2, 2018

Hello, again.
Our day was spent in trying to get water back into the camper. I know, it's seems to be a yearly problem. We were doing great, Had water up until dinner time. In less that about 5 minutes, the water froze solid. The ice broke the inlet valve into the camper and, of  course, it has to happen after all the RV Supply Stores had closed, or were closed because it was a Holiday. So, we were up extra early this morning. a Quick breakfast of eggs and toast then out the door on our way to Chattanooga to try to find the parts. Hubby had looked on line and Camping World said that the parts were in stock at their Store in Ringgold Ga. it's about an hours drive away, but on the other side of the time lie from us. when it's 5 here, it's 6 there. We get there, they are open but after Hubby is inside about 7 minutes comes out shaking his head. Their inventory may have said they had it, but in reality they do not. (argh) There is another RV SParts store that we passed on our way to Ringgold. I have even suggested we try there first but since he could check on line with them (they were closed New Years Day) ... well we get there and they have the parts we need. Back home. I help hold things while he loosens things then tighten things and that part is fixed. but now we have to thaw the water hose. Okay. I bring it into the camper, put it in the bath tub and plug in the heat tape. It took about an hour to get somewhat thawed.. and Hubby "blew" into one end and thought it was empty... nope. the end was broken. So off to find a water hose that is potable water safe, and more pipe insulation. Walmart is out of the pipe insulation but I suggested ACE Hardware. They have some but it's not 1 inch, it's 1 1/4 inch, which we figure should be okay since the 1 inch is a bit tight over the heat tape. Back home. remove the old pipe insulation and heat tape from the old water hose and then put the heat tape and new pipe insulation onto the new hose. and things are still frozen up.. after a bit of working though, we got water running to the bathtub.  I can live with that. It's enough to keep the dogs from being thirsty. I hav a large cup of water by my side and the water is still running in the tub.  I refilled the empty water jugs but will need more ater to heat it up so I can wash off, and do up a few dishes the old fashioned way of wash in one water, rinse in another water and then place in the strainer.
The sun is going down, so I better get the dogs outside for a few minutes. There were out while the sun was up and shiining but not for very long and I'm sure they will want to go out again after dark before I go to bed. Back in a few minutes...
There, the dogs have been out side for a few minutes. They didn't want to linger too much as it's cold out there.
I've moved the heater, again, trying to warm up the areas where the water might be frozen at.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it don't. The heat came on and I'' have to turn it down here in a bit or I'll run out of propane before the end of the week. I'm wearing layers and a hat inside. That will help me be comfortable without having to run the heat up too high.  I'll turn it down even more when I leave for the Senior Center during the day. I can turn it back up when I get back in and the dogs can handle cooler better than I can. I am in hopes that we will have tempertaures above freezing tomorrow.
Driving into Chattanooga wwent well. We were able to watch the sun come up and see the different colors emerge as we went up one hill or down into another and up anther one.  The sun brightend up the edges of some clouds and that was so very bright and nice to see.

Billie C.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year

Hello, and Happy New Year.
2018 has begun and we are in a cold snap, The Low tonight is going to be very close to 0f with wind chills going as low as -10F. This area is NOT use to this kind of cold.
Our water froze up, this evening. I had just run it about 10 minutes before, but when Hubby went to flush, no water. Oh boy. We do have a broken part but should be able to replace it tomorrow, once things get warm enough we can thaw the water out. The only bad thing is Hubby had hoped to get out of here early enough to arrive back at his current job before it gets dark. I'm afraid that isn't going to happen.  Even the dogs do not want to go outside when it's this cold and I can't blame them for that at all. At least we don't also have to deal with any snow with all of this, right now.  Up North. they are dealing with both cold and snow.
I've had the croup for over two weeks now. Dry, hacking cough, fever off and on. Chills from time to time. but I'm feeling much better and I didn't have high fever at all. When I would check my temp, it would be in the normal range, so I would think I'm getting over this "what ever", and after getting back home from the Senior Center would end up with another bout of hacking cough then end up sleeping most of the afternoon. Wake up long enough to take care of me and the dogs and a few very basics, then go sleep some more. Not much of Christmas can get done if your sleeping so much.
I made a batch of Cinnamon Popcorn but couldn't take it to the Senior center because I ended up scortching it a bit. Hubby loved it and gave only the really dark pieced to the dogs.
I made a second batch to share with the Senior's after he left to go work in Mountain City TN.
 I did make "Jell-o Cookies" for the cookie exchange and put together a medium bag of things for the gift exchange that included a cup with a sip lid that didn't have threads for it to be screwed into the cup. I ended up with 10 pounds of Chocolates. I regifted one of the boxes to our land lord to take to his church
Christmas was very simple this year.
We slept in late and I was still first awake. Took care of the dogs, Went to Daughter's for gift exchanges and a Chili Dinner, then home again where I slept even more.
We had stocking this year. I did my own since Hubby can't find a thing for me even at Dollar Tree and he was surprised at what all I put into mine. His had even more things and all small thins he could use.
Hubby got me an Electric Blanket. He put a power scooter in lay a way for me, to be picked up before Spring. Daughter and the Grands got me some very cute Owl Succulent planters. Now to get the soil and plants to fill them with.
I gave Heather a few odds and ends I knew she would like. A knee brace that she can wear under her pants that might help give her knee some support. A Scarf. She was the only one who didn't get a scarf last year. A rock I painted, thinking she might like the thought of a "Man" for Christmas. I don't think she got it that I was trying to be a bit funny.
It's not yet dry from the sealer when I took this picture.
Bailey got some make up brushes and sponges since she's trying to be more creative with her make up.
Corbin got a solar powered tech kit from us.
Hubby had to go back to Mountain City the day after Christmas and I took down all of Christmas after he left. There wasn't a lot to take down. A few items I had in the windows. a couple of flower pokes on the top edge of the slide out. Our two socks and that's about all I had out. hubby got back in town in time for New Year's Eve. We didn't watch the year in, but wished each other a Great year, when we woke up this morning. We were doing really good until after the sun went down and our water froze. The heat tape had lost power and once that happened it didn't take long for it to freeze solid and it broke the inlet to the camper so instead of leaving early to go back to work, we are going to have to leave early to go get replacement parts and get it fixed before he leaves.

Billie C.