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Monday, December 19, 2016
Billie's four Blessings from the past week. Monday, 19 December 2016
Billie's Three Blessings from the past week.
We put in lots of time to finish the rough in of the Church. We didn't get too chilled in there.
We found car that we can afford, and will not have to make payments on it
We were able to go to the High School and watch all the different grades' bands play. It was a lot of fun for al of us.
Jerry Got a Job Call. now waiting for an Email about getting the drug screen test done.
In a message dated 12/19/2016 12:20:04 A.M. Central Standard Time, ExploringChristmas2@yahoogroups.com writes:
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
I'm trying this crust today. I had to add just a bit more water to get it to form a ball. I have it chilling in the fridge right now. Will roll it out in a little bit.
1 cup flour
1 cup flour
2 tablespoons lard
3 tablespoons water
3 tablespoons water
Mix flour, lard and salt with hands, then add the water. This makes one large pie crust.
Really it didn't turn out too bad. I don't have a pie pan so I used a cake pan instead. I used the trimmings for a snack 'taste test'.
Friday, November 25, 2016
Today, I Am Grateful For
Today, I Am Grateful For... a wonderful day, yesterday spent at Heathers. The turkey was well done, and every dish was delicious. David and Jamie spend all day with us and there was lots of talking, laughter and love spread throughout the day. One of the most memorial sights was a kitchen full of people all working on last minute touches on dishes and pulling things out of the oven and not one wobble, spill or raised voice. Bailey, finished up the Cheese and Cracker plate, David removed the Turkey and put in the rolls (I love the ones that got a little dark on bottoms they have the best flavor when that Happens) Jamie was making the Mac and Cheese and warming up the canned goods while Heather was finishing up the mashed potatoes.. It was wonderful to see them all working so well together. Heather's kitchen is large but when you have 4 to 5 people moving it could have gotten crowded but everyone was moving so very well around each other it was like they were all dancing to unheard music.
I took my Too dark and not enough filling Caramel Pie, and a very well turned out Dark Chocolate Pudding pie. and there was just too much food for all of us. Bailey's cupcakes were sampled and her cookies didn't last long, after dinner was over and eveyone moved to the living room. We all didn't leave until after it got dark. David has to drive a load down south today, and Jamie went along for some couple time. She doesn't have to be back to work until Monday.
Monday, November 21, 2016
For Today ... Nov 21
For Today ... Nov 21
Howdy.... And Good Afternoon. I've gotten most of the camper straightened up again.. (whew) The dust is 'flyin' in here. I dusted all the walls, the ceiling and the doors. Swept the floors and mopped the areas that can be mopped, except the bunk room. I'll try to get to it a bit later in the week.
Outside my door ... Ah it was so, so nice to sit outside and toss the ball for Barney this afternoon. I needed my jacket to take the dogs outside but by noon no jacket was needed. I just hope that Jerry remembers to bring his jacket home when he finishes for the day. I need to check the forecast, but I'm thinking we are going to have another nice day tomorrow. Give me a sec to go look... .... .....Yep tomorrow looks good, but over night it's going to get a wee bit colder than it was last night.. A bit of a cool down on Wednesday, then back up again.
The Dogs ... Macon has been playing keep-a-way with Barney and one of the orange balls. He will just hold onto it for as long as he can, before he gives it up. **FUNNY**... Barney was 'fussing' at Macon for his ball, but when we looked Macon didn't have it.. Rocky was laying on it.. Rocky looked over his back at me with a 'Grin' on his face. He knew what he was doing, for sure. This afternoon, I tossed the ball a few times for Barney and he played keep-a-way with me for a bit. I really do need to go clean up the yard, but I think it's going to be tomorrow morning before I get to that.. it's okay since we don't have any neighbors here right now.
Howdy.... And Good Afternoon. I've gotten most of the camper straightened up again.. (whew) The dust is 'flyin' in here. I dusted all the walls, the ceiling and the doors. Swept the floors and mopped the areas that can be mopped, except the bunk room. I'll try to get to it a bit later in the week.
Outside my door ... Ah it was so, so nice to sit outside and toss the ball for Barney this afternoon. I needed my jacket to take the dogs outside but by noon no jacket was needed. I just hope that Jerry remembers to bring his jacket home when he finishes for the day. I need to check the forecast, but I'm thinking we are going to have another nice day tomorrow. Give me a sec to go look... .... .....Yep tomorrow looks good, but over night it's going to get a wee bit colder than it was last night.. A bit of a cool down on Wednesday, then back up again.
The Dogs ... Macon has been playing keep-a-way with Barney and one of the orange balls. He will just hold onto it for as long as he can, before he gives it up. **FUNNY**... Barney was 'fussing' at Macon for his ball, but when we looked Macon didn't have it.. Rocky was laying on it.. Rocky looked over his back at me with a 'Grin' on his face. He knew what he was doing, for sure. This afternoon, I tossed the ball a few times for Barney and he played keep-a-way with me for a bit. I really do need to go clean up the yard, but I think it's going to be tomorrow morning before I get to that.. it's okay since we don't have any neighbors here right now.
From the kitchen... Tonight's dinner is going to be steaks and mashed potatoes (box) and a salad. Just salad, not extra's cut up into it.
We are getting ready for Thanksgiving and I needto make a few things between tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday. I've just not started any of it just yet. I need to get out "The List" and get started on it very soon.
I found a recipe for Pie Crust Crumbles that is suppose to make enough to make 7 to 8 pies.. So that is what I think I will have to work on, first.
Oh man.... I forgot all about Caramel Pie... Dang it.. that means making at least 4 pie crusts this year.. I didn't find any pie crusts when I went shopping Saturday. I know that David and Jerry will eat the pie, even if no one else does.. (I might sneak a very small piece)
We are getting ready for Thanksgiving and I needto make a few things between tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday. I've just not started any of it just yet. I need to get out "The List" and get started on it very soon.
I found a recipe for Pie Crust Crumbles that is suppose to make enough to make 7 to 8 pies.. So that is what I think I will have to work on, first.
Oh man.... I forgot all about Caramel Pie... Dang it.. that means making at least 4 pie crusts this year.. I didn't find any pie crusts when I went shopping Saturday. I know that David and Jerry will eat the pie, even if no one else does.. (I might sneak a very small piece)
I am hearing... I have my MP3 player connected to the speakers we brought in for my laptop. it was getting to where I couldn't hear anything very well off the laptop, so I asked Jerry to get a set of speakers out of storage. Some of the songs are loud and some are very soft but at least I can hear them
I am wearing... Brown Sweat pants, a yellow t-shirt (the only yellow thing I have) that has a graphic of a cave with horses on the walls.. the only reason I have a yellow shirt is because it's more to the golden side and had horses on it. otherwise I would not have it at all. I don't look good in anything that is very yellow.
I am reading... lots of emails. I picked up a few more free books for the kindle but have yet to start reading any of them in a while. I need to do that.
I am thinking... about Thanksgiving and seeing David and Jamie again. they are going to try to come up. That is, if David gets home in time. If not then we will have to try to find a weekend between now and Christmas for them to make the trip,
I am thankful for... Jerry being able to put the propane tanks on the camper this morning. I can never seem to either get the empties off or the full ones in. it was cold outside this morning and I know he wasn't feeling very well but he went out and did it. The camper was soon warm after the heat was able to work again. The box heaters work, but they can only do so much. They are helping to stretch out how often we have to hgo refill the tanks though. Today was so nice that I had the doors open for a couple of hours and everything turned off.
I am hoping... The same thing I have been hoping , for a few months now, That Jerry will get a call to go to a job that pays well enough we can catch up on all our bills. He makes the phone calls each week, but no one has much hope for a job opening until after the first of the year.
I am creating... Well, a clean camper.. but I need to make some Christmas cards to send out this year. and some fresh ornament to hang in the windows.
One of my favorite things... is just knowing that we are together and doing as well as we can, considering that things are so tight right now.
A few plans for today... wait for Jerry to get home. Clean off the table and maybe I'll even start on those cards this evening while we watch a DVD
I am wearing... Brown Sweat pants, a yellow t-shirt (the only yellow thing I have) that has a graphic of a cave with horses on the walls.. the only reason I have a yellow shirt is because it's more to the golden side and had horses on it. otherwise I would not have it at all. I don't look good in anything that is very yellow.
I am reading... lots of emails. I picked up a few more free books for the kindle but have yet to start reading any of them in a while. I need to do that.
I am thinking... about Thanksgiving and seeing David and Jamie again. they are going to try to come up. That is, if David gets home in time. If not then we will have to try to find a weekend between now and Christmas for them to make the trip,
I am thankful for... Jerry being able to put the propane tanks on the camper this morning. I can never seem to either get the empties off or the full ones in. it was cold outside this morning and I know he wasn't feeling very well but he went out and did it. The camper was soon warm after the heat was able to work again. The box heaters work, but they can only do so much. They are helping to stretch out how often we have to hgo refill the tanks though. Today was so nice that I had the doors open for a couple of hours and everything turned off.
I am hoping... The same thing I have been hoping , for a few months now, That Jerry will get a call to go to a job that pays well enough we can catch up on all our bills. He makes the phone calls each week, but no one has much hope for a job opening until after the first of the year.
I am creating... Well, a clean camper.. but I need to make some Christmas cards to send out this year. and some fresh ornament to hang in the windows.
One of my favorite things... is just knowing that we are together and doing as well as we can, considering that things are so tight right now.
A few plans for today... wait for Jerry to get home. Clean off the table and maybe I'll even start on those cards this evening while we watch a DVD
A few plans for the rest of the week... shopping for the rest of the things we want for Thanksgiving day with heather. Cooking and just keep from stressing too much. We have so much to be thankful for.
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Today, I am Thankful for.... Nov 6
Today, I am thankful for a safe place to stay. We are almost in the middle of town but few know where we are. There is one other camper here, and he's working some place close. We have yet to talk to him. We are able to have things outside, as long as it doesn't look Messy. We have the kennels outside, two chairs and a couple of tubs under the edge of the camper. The tubs will go to the storage soon, as they are filled with seasonal items.
Monday, October 31, 2016
For Today ... Halloween, October 31 2016
For Today ... Halloween, October 31 2016
Howdy.... Well. Today is Halloween.
I did not carve a pumpkin this year... I am trying to remember the last time I didn't carve a pumpkin for Halloween. Even when we lived in a motel room, I carved and placed pumpkins at the doorway. What can I say, I'm still very much a kid in my heart.
I have decorated for the season. I have up garlands of fall colored leaves, and scarecrows and such. I am looking toward putting away the "Halloween" decorations though. I have a few things that I'll be putting away on tomorrow, but I'll leave the truly "Fall" stuff up for a while longer. I will put away the Scarecrows and Spiders but leave up the leaves.
I'm even trying to make a few plans for next years' Halloween season. I want at least 4 pumpkins to carve, and more stuff Outside.
I'm ready to start focusing on Thanksgiving now. Even though I am not sure where we will spend the day. Heather has already said that she's planning on working as many hours as she can that day, cause it's time and a half. I don't blame her on that one bit. WE do need to get with David and Jamie to see if/when they want to come to Dunlap, of if we could some to their place for a day. Either way, I want their Christmas Gifts bought and wrapped to give to them. Because last year, we had planned on getting together on Christmas afternoon, but there was snow on their mountain and it was too dangerous for them to risk the trip to Dunlap. Plus I want to find a nice gift for Jamie's son.
I think I'll have to get out the printer and print off a few "Thanksgiving" graphics on some card stock and use them like posters on the walls and on the command hooks I have put on the wall just for this reason. About the only truly "Thanksgiving" item I have is a Puffy Turkey with a "Spinner" under it. I really don't have a good place inside to keep it and I don't want to ruin it by leaving it outside in the weather for a month.
This weather is just Crazy. We are set to break the record high of today (In Chattanooga that is) with a high of 86, with the record being 84. Here in Dunlap we expect to have a high of 84. I had to turn on the heat to break the chill this morning, and by this afternoon, I will have to turn on the air to be comfortable.
The dogs love this weather. They get to go outside and enjoy a few minutes doing what dogs do. sniffing the air. Looking around, Checking out the walk across the creek. Trying to find out what the birds and squirrel have been up to.. and just in general being dogs. Barney has been trying to sneak out a ball, then wants to play. His way of playing is to drop it just out of reach, then snatch it up if I get even remotely close to it, only to drop it again... if I stop reaching for it, he will get closer, or he will start dropping it on the toe of my shoe. If we are inside and he keeps this up, the easiest way to stop him, is to just give the ball to Macon. Macon does not want to play ball, but he will act like he wants to play and will raise his head as if he's going to catch the ball if it's tossed toward him. but what he is really wanting is for us to give him the ball. He will give it back, if we ask him to, but his "joy", is to keep that ball away from Barney. As soon as Macon gets the ball, Barney will glare at him, then look at one of us, as if asking for us to get it back for him, then will glare at Macon again. After awhile Macon will give the ball back, and then Barney will go hide, with the ball, under the table. Rocky loves to take the caps off of plastic bottles, but Barney is always trying to steal those bottles away from him. Rock will go to a corner and turn his back on all of us while he's working on getting that cap, and the ring, off of a bottle. Once he's done doing that, He'll let Barney have to bottle and, again, Barney will just glare... because he wanted to take the cap off.. And it does no good, to try to put it back on the bottle, Rocky makes sure it won't fit any more. Some times, Barney will remove the labels but he's not been doing that in the last few weeks.
Tonight I am going to make Chicken Alfredo for Dinner.
We will have a salad to start with, I'll be adding some vegetables to a bagged salad after Jerry goes back out. I will cook chicken Breast in a Cast Iron Skillet, then pour a can of Cream of Chicken soup over the chicken when it's fully cooked and allow to simmer on a low flame. for at least 10 minutes. I will prepare a box of Alfredo Noodles and then serve the chicken on top of the noodles. I have a frozen package of "Steam in the bag" seasoned Vegetables that I'm thinking of fixing for myself and will Fix Jerry some peas. I'm just not all that fond of canned peas and Jerry doesn't like frozen vegetables.
I've been catching up on some old stuff we recorded a couple of weeks ago on the DVR. I even re-watched "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" this morning. I did have on "Larry's Country Diner" from RDF TV, but just changed it to the news. Did you read my face-book? I had heard that there was going to be a Drill at the high school and told Jerry about it before he left for work last Thursday.. It was suppose to be in the morning and when he came in for lunch.. said he never saw or heard anything about the drill... well, it seams that one of the School maintenance people had a medical emergency and the Helicopter was needed to take him to the hospital in Chattanooga. The "drill" turned into a real thing.. The drill will be re-scheduled for in a few weeks.
Today I am wearing a Halloween/Fall hemmed T-shirt that Donna Gifted me a few years ago. I am trying my best to take care of it. I wore it to the last home game, a couple of weeks ago. I'll be putting it in with all our Halloween items, after I wash and iron it. I have on gray sweat pants, a orange bandana and black Rose earrings. I love to try to "dress" a bit for Halloween.
A few plans for today... After Lunch, cleaning up from that, then straightening up the Dining room and Living room. then I want to find a UFO (Un-Finished Object) to work on for the rest of the day.
A few plans for the rest of the week... Putting away the Spooky stuff, but keeping out the Fall stuff. I may get out the printer and print off a few Thanksgiving things to decorate with.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
10 27 16 notes
For Today ... October 27
Jerry is working today at the Church and I have gotten a lot more cleaning down. I Still have the dining table benches and table to clear off, but that won't take me too long. I have swept the floors, dusted the walls and picked up and put away all day so far. I have washed dishes, made Chicken Noodle soup, then, after Jerry left made another batch of soup, to put in the freezer in two containers. I made pudding for our dessert tonight. I colored the bottom layer in orange, Middle is green and the top layer is purple. I thought we could use a little fun with our dessert tonight.
I have had the air on all day. It's been a bit warm all day long. Very unusual for the end of October. With every Breezy burst I hear more dry leaves hitting the top of the camper. The leaves are falling so fast the it still looks green instead of full of Oranges, Yellows and Reds of fall on the Trees. I expect that, one morning soon, I'll walk outside and I'll just see bare limbs instead of any colors at all. I have been wearing short sleeved tops all week long. Today I have on one with a horse on it. (no surprise there)
I'll have to take the dogs out again soon. They are laying under my feet right now, after having spent almost all day either in the bunk room or on our bed. Barney wants to play "Ball". He likes to bring it to me, then play keep-a-way with me. He will do the same thing to Jerry.
I have been catching up with all the Y&R shows I have DVR-ed. Many times over the last few weeks, we have left in the middle of each show and I can now catch up with it. I still have about 8 shows to go before I am all caught up.
I have been wearing my "Halloween" earrings this week. First was the Witchy Owls, then Yesterday, I wore Ghost with Bells and today is Black Cats. I have at least two other Owl sets of earrings to find and wear.
Jerry is working today at the Church and I have gotten a lot more cleaning down. I Still have the dining table benches and table to clear off, but that won't take me too long. I have swept the floors, dusted the walls and picked up and put away all day so far. I have washed dishes, made Chicken Noodle soup, then, after Jerry left made another batch of soup, to put in the freezer in two containers. I made pudding for our dessert tonight. I colored the bottom layer in orange, Middle is green and the top layer is purple. I thought we could use a little fun with our dessert tonight.
I have had the air on all day. It's been a bit warm all day long. Very unusual for the end of October. With every Breezy burst I hear more dry leaves hitting the top of the camper. The leaves are falling so fast the it still looks green instead of full of Oranges, Yellows and Reds of fall on the Trees. I expect that, one morning soon, I'll walk outside and I'll just see bare limbs instead of any colors at all. I have been wearing short sleeved tops all week long. Today I have on one with a horse on it. (no surprise there)
I'll have to take the dogs out again soon. They are laying under my feet right now, after having spent almost all day either in the bunk room or on our bed. Barney wants to play "Ball". He likes to bring it to me, then play keep-a-way with me. He will do the same thing to Jerry.
I have been catching up with all the Y&R shows I have DVR-ed. Many times over the last few weeks, we have left in the middle of each show and I can now catch up with it. I still have about 8 shows to go before I am all caught up.
I have been wearing my "Halloween" earrings this week. First was the Witchy Owls, then Yesterday, I wore Ghost with Bells and today is Black Cats. I have at least two other Owl sets of earrings to find and wear.
Billie C.
Good Morning
Good Morning
I have taken the dogs out for first morning potty
I have turned on the hot water tank so I can shower and do the dishes before he gets home around 11 for lunch. Jerry will get about and hour for lunch. and may or may not work 8 hours today. To say this is a very laid back job is an understatement. To him, it's a JOB, to the others, it's their time toward their church. For me. It's Jerry getting a few hours out of the camper so I can catch up with the cleaning.
Yesterday, I cleaned off the table and put away things that had been out for too long. I don't know if I'm going to clear the bench on the otherside of the table or not uet... dpends on how I feel when I get that far.. Most of it is stuff that Jerry put there. He sits on the couch and just has to reach over the back of the bench to put things there. They end up out of sight, out of mind. To him, they are put up, to me, the are not seen so I assume Jerry is going to want what ever it is, soon. (I'm talking myself into cleaning it up, can you tell?)
I put the fold up table by the dining room table over a week ago. I only meant for it to be there for one day... (15 days later) I cleared it off three times yesterday, then it was piled up on just as quickly.. but I think I can not clean it off and take it down until I'm ready to craft something.
Wow.. Halloween is so close now. I now have so much more stuff that I'm thinking of putting all the fall/Halloween items into just one tub, to make it so much easier to decorate nest year. But where to store it for a year... I can put it into storage but if we move, that tub will not be put in the camper. Which means I "could" buy more Fall/Halloween/Thanksgtving stuff next year.
Remember when I said we found a Chest of Drawers? Jerry put it in storage Saturday, while I was home cooking.... I went to storage with him yesterday.. and it's in the middle of the only walkway we have in storage. (sigh) I took an almost empty tub to storage and had planned on filling it with material since that is what I had in it. I just placed the tub inside, placed my jewelry making box in storage (Temporary for now) and then got back in the truck while Jerry was searching for things to use on this job. I had a nice short nap while he was searching.
After I clean up the "Living" areas of the camper, I need to sort through some stuff in the bunk room (Dogs room) and send more stuff to storage. Yeah, we both have a tendincy to just pile things in there.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Hello. Halloween is just around the corner and I've been working at making our camper look ready for the fun. Outside we have lights around both doors and an Owl door hanging on the front door. A Spider on the propane tanks were it can be seen. Inside I have Scarecrows, witches and pumpkins.. A Small display under the TV with a skull, a marble on a candle stick, a couple of fake gourd and couple of candles. Along the upper edge of the slide out are two garlands of leaves. Above the small window by the couch is a rat with an orange and black bow on it's neck.A brown antique bottle is within the confines of it's tail. Above the couch, is a sequined owl A Fall wreath is at the Dinning room window and over the small window small scarecrows, a Fun Foam Skull and a small leaf pick that Jackie sent me in one of her very lovely cards she sent me.
In the kitchen area are pot holders, a scarecrow's head and Halloween themed towels.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Hello and Good Morning
Hello and Good Morning.
I am trying to catch up all my blogs and make sure they are all working as they should.
Hubby is job hunting and we are doing well.
The weather has been very good but dry.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Billie's notes for the day...
Outside my door ... It's been very nice outside. I sat outside for a little while, after mopping the floors in here. The rest of this week is suppose to just as nice. I saw an old grill when we went to the trash bins, but when we went back were told we couldn't have it because other stuff had been placed on it. I would have loved that grill because we could have removed the legs off of it and turned it into a small fireplace that we could cover with the top to it. Maybe we will see another one and Jerry can snag it if it's not covered with something else. I know there is not dumpster diving allowed, but people are still allowed to pick a few things out.. If the woman is ther though, she gets a bit brusk if you ask if you can take something. So much so that I have been tempted to ask Jerry to go to one that is just outside of town.
The Dogs ... Loved it that I had them get on the bed when I mopped the floors. I needed them out of my way. Jerry took them for a quick walk before I mopped. It's been so nice that the doors have been open all day long. I hate to have to turn on the heat and I'm thinking of not turning it on tonight but waiting until in the morning and turn it on if we need it, when I wake up. Barney has loved this weather and will run amok as far as the lead will allow a few times before he comes to the door to get back inside. Macon has been rolling in the grass and sand and has to shake off before he is allowed back in. Rock either turns around and around on his bottom or just finds a sunny plac and lays down in it.
From the kitchen... Well, it's a toss up between Hot dogs and fries and salad, Smoked Sausage and potatoes and green beand and salad or we wait for Faithe to call and set up a time to meet them at Pizza King, the local pizza place here in town. She is suppose to call me back and let me know about when to meet them there..
I am hearing... The fan in the kitchen area, and the fan under the tv that blows onto the couch and the dogs shifting from one side to another or Jerry snoring as he sleeps sitting up on the couch. No wonder he doesn't sleep at night but wants to read... he's sleeping too much during the day. still waiting for a phone call on a job...
I am hearing... The fan in the kitchen area, and the fan under the tv that blows onto the couch and the dogs shifting from one side to another or Jerry snoring as he sleeps sitting up on the couch. No wonder he doesn't sleep at night but wants to read... he's sleeping too much during the day. still waiting for a phone call on a job...
I am wearing... Dark brown sweat pants and a yellowish Tshirt with a print of Native American's dancing around a fire.
I am hoping... That Jerry gets a phone call very soon on a job, anywhere close enough we can move there.
I am creating... I've been decorating for Halloween yesterday and today. It was outside yesterday and inside today. I put some leaf garland around the top of the edge of the slid-out.
I put a rat and orange lantern on the cornace over the small window in the living room area, and fixed the back of a silloette of a witch on a broom. The witch is black the bottom of the broom is orange as well as a band on her hat. I used hot glue to attach a wooden tooth pick on the back side where the end of her dress had folded over.
I put a skull under the TV on top of the Dish Reciver as well as three plastic gourds and I put a large green glass Marble in a short candle stick to the side of the reciever.
I put up some pot holders and next is putting out the Fall and Halloween kitchen towels.
One of my favorite things... Is watching the animals around here. Today there was a squirrel chasing another squirrel and then a crow came down and chased both of them into the trees.
A few plans for today... Well, the day is almost over. Only plans are still in the works for dinner plans. I may call Faithe in a little bit to see if they are going to come here and meet up for dinner of if they have changed their minds about it. Either way, we got it covered.
A few plans for the rest of the week... I need to deep clean the bunk rooms and send a few things to storage for a while. Praying every day that Jerry gets a phone call on a job to go to. Find the rest of our Halloween stuff and either put it out or put it away.
Jack-O'- Lantern Cheese Ball
Jack-O'- Lantern Cheese Ball
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 cup pineapple preserves
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 large pretzel rod, broken in half
4-ounces cream cheese, softened
Dark rye bread
Red pepper
Black olive slices
Parsley sprigs
Assorted crackers
1/4 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 cup pineapple preserves
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 large pretzel rod, broken in half
4-ounces cream cheese, softened
Dark rye bread
Red pepper
Black olive slices
Parsley sprigs
Assorted crackers
Beat cheeses, pumpkin, preserves and spices in medium bowl until
smooth. Cover refrigerate 2 to 3 hours until cheese is firm enough
to shape.
Shape mixture into round pumpkin, place on serving plate.Using a
knife, score vertical lines down pumpkin. Place pretzel rod in top
for stem. Cut bread into triangles for eyes, cut red pepper into
triangle for nose, and cut olives in half to make the mouth.
Surround with parsley.
Serve with assorted crackers.
Serves 8 to 10.
smooth. Cover refrigerate 2 to 3 hours until cheese is firm enough
to shape.
Shape mixture into round pumpkin, place on serving plate.Using a
knife, score vertical lines down pumpkin. Place pretzel rod in top
for stem. Cut bread into triangles for eyes, cut red pepper into
triangle for nose, and cut olives in half to make the mouth.
Surround with parsley.
Serve with assorted crackers.
Serves 8 to 10.
Maple Walnut Pie
Maple Walnut Pie
1 - 9" pie or 16 tarts
1 - 9" pie or 16 tarts
1/2 cup melted butter
1/2 cup maple sugar or brown sugar
1 cup maple syrup
3 eggs
1 Tbsp. flour
Pinch salt
1 tsp. vanilla
1-2/3 cup chopped walnuts
1 - 9" pie shell or 16 tart shells
Preheat oven to 425'F. (325' for tarts).
Mix filling and spoon into pie or tart shell/s.
Bake pie 10 minutes @ 425' and then lower temp to 375' and bake 35 minutes
more. (For tarts, bake 40 minutes at 325'F.)
1/2 cup maple sugar or brown sugar
1 cup maple syrup
3 eggs
1 Tbsp. flour
Pinch salt
1 tsp. vanilla
1-2/3 cup chopped walnuts
1 - 9" pie shell or 16 tart shells
Preheat oven to 425'F. (325' for tarts).
Mix filling and spoon into pie or tart shell/s.
Bake pie 10 minutes @ 425' and then lower temp to 375' and bake 35 minutes
more. (For tarts, bake 40 minutes at 325'F.)
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Colors,, Colors ... every where..
I have too many boxes in storage and I need to go through them all. Big boxes, small boxes and tubs. We went to storage but I fell alseep in the truck while Hubby was sorting through his stuff.
Two packs of Fun Foam, missing a couple of sheets I had used on a craft so long ago I can't even remember what it was..
And all my color Sharpie markers. I will have to see if any of them have dried out or not.
You will be surprised how quickly this multiply when your buying one or two at a time. And there are still some colors I want to pick up.
I needed One black Sharpie with a thick line and one with a thin one. I now have more than enough to mark just about anything I need marked. And the bag under it is Tulip fabric markers and Sharpies for Fabric.
I have gone through some patterns and put them in order of sizes... but Not the one I was looking for. That's okay. I have 8 months to find and make the outfit I want to wear to our son's wedding. They are having a Hillbilly wedding. I am looking forward to seeing them get hitched.
I have about 4 boxes to take back to storage, because it's close. I have to go through the whole bunk room and sort it out. Just not sure if I want to take most all of the craft things to storage or just a few things that are not going to be used in the near future.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Happy Birthday to Me
Hello. Today is My birthday. I am enjoying the day with my husband. I think that our daughter has made some plans for us to get together ,after her kids get out of school.
It's a great day and I'm going to enjoy it
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Sweet Potato Pie
Sweet Potato Pie
"The New Great American Writers Cookbook", Author: Dean Faulkner Wells
Makes 3 pies
"The New Great American Writers Cookbook", Author: Dean Faulkner Wells
Makes 3 pies
Crust (Bottom only; no top crust):
2 1/2 cups flour
1 1/2 T. butter
1 cup Crisco shortening
1 tsp. salt
6 T. cold water
Cut the flour, butter and shortening together. Add salt. Add water, mixing in 1 tablespoon at a time. Divide the dough into thirds. Roll out each crust, after forming a ball, on wax paper or cutting board.
4 sweet potatoes, average size
3 or 4 eggs
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
2 T. brown sugar
1 1/2 cups butter (3 sticks)
1 tsp. nutmeg
1/3 cup Carnation milk
2 T. vanilla extract
The eggs and butter should be at room temperature. Boil the sweet potatoes, with the skins on. When soft enough to mash, remove from water and peel. Mash the potatoes, picking out strings if potatoes are stringy. This should yield about 2 1/2 cups. Add the eggs, stirring in 1 at a time, mixing thoroughly. Add the granulated sugar; mix. Add the brown sugar; mix. Stir in the butter. Add the nutmeg, milk and vanilla extract, stirring after each addition. Spoon the mixture into the 3 pie crusts.
Bake at 350 degrees until solid and brown, about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Serve hot or cold.
from the Dec. 2003 issue of Today in Mississippi
Mississippi Cooks: Featured Cookbook
Billie C.
Click for weather forecast
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Popcorn Balls
Popcorn Balls
Makes about 56
4 quarts popped popcorn
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
10 ounces marshmallows
6 ounces white chocolate
1/3 cup sliced almonds
Vegetable-oil cooking spray
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
10 ounces marshmallows
6 ounces white chocolate
1/3 cup sliced almonds
Vegetable-oil cooking spray
Sprinkle popcorn with salt. Melt butter in a large pan over low heat. Add marshmallows and chocolate; cook, stirring until melted.
Remove from heat; stir in almonds and popcorn. Shape into balls using a 2-inch ice-cream scoop coated with cooking spray. Transfer to baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Let stand 30 minutes. Can be stored airtight up to 1 day.
Remove from heat; stir in almonds and popcorn. Shape into balls using a 2-inch ice-cream scoop coated with cooking spray. Transfer to baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Let stand 30 minutes. Can be stored airtight up to 1 day.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Bread Pudding
Bread Pudding
1 slice white bread, cut into cubes
1 small apple, cored, pared, and diced*
1 cup skim milk
1 egg
1 teaspoon each granulated sugar and vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon das ground nutmegpreheat oven to 350 f.spray 2- cup casserole with nonstick cooking spray; arrange bread cubes and apple in dish and set aside. In small bowl combine milk, egg, sugar, and vanilla and beat until smooth. pour milk mixture over bread and apple, being sure bread is well moistened; sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg. bake for 35 to 40 minutes until pudding is lightly browned and a knife, inserted in center, comes out clean. Remove from oven and let stand 15 minutes before serving.
makes 1 serving.*substitute 2 tablespoons dark raisins for the apple.from book, weight watchers favorite recipes
Billie C.
God brings me through every situation, whether large or small.
Microwave Rice Pudding
Microwave Rice Pudding
• 2 c Cooked rice• 2 c Milk
• 3 Eggs
• 1/2 c Raisins
• 1/3 c Granulated sugar• 1 tsp Vanilla extract
• 1/4 tsp Ground cinnamon or nutmeg
In microwave proof 2 quart casserole or baking dish, mix together eggs, milk & sugar. Stir in rice, raisins and vanilla. Cook uncovered on high 8 to 10 minutes. Stir every 1 to 2 minutes. Sprinkle with cinnamon or nutmeg & let stand about 30 minutes, without stirring. Serve warm or cold Serves
6 to 8.
Billie C.
God brings me through every situation, whether large or small.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Good Morning for August 24
Good Morning. I do hope you slept well last night. It was a quiet night here. It is nice and peaceful here. I was able to open the doors and vents for a little while this morning. I had to close them back up just before 10 am though because it was starting to warm up a bit. It's a Sunny day, and there is lots of shade around here.
Heaather came by after she got off work yesterday. I'm going to go to her home to do our laundry tomorrow. Jerry will drive her kids to school, and pick them up after. We need to be to her house by 6 am.. but once Jerry drops off the kids, he's thinking of coming back to the camper so he can keep the dogs quiet.
The dogs are adjusting to this new area well. They already do not bark at the people who are walking along the path on the other side of the creek.Today I'm going to make a crock pot meal. potatoes, green beans and smoked beef sausage layered. I'll also serve a salad and I think we will have pudding for dessert
We can not get a TV signal on the attenia, So we are watching our collection of video's. Right now, we are watching the second season of "Game of Thrones".
I am wearing jean shorts and a teal t-top that I decorated with a rinestone blue bird
I have been trying to down-load a few of the books that I picked up for free. from Amazon over the last few days. should pick at least one to start reading soon.
I am still hoping (and praying) that Jerry gets a call for a job that is going to pay enough to cover the bills and get us caught up with them. I do hope we don't haave to wait until November for the jobs to open up.
I am creating... I saw a video on how to make a stamp from making impressions into fun foam and I want to try that soon.
A few plans for today... We need to go to the store in a little bit to pick up some bread, more fresh vegetables and some snacks.
Billie C.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Halloween Food Fun.
Halloween Food Fun.
It's not too early to be thinking about Halloween, is it?
Good Morning
Good Morning From a Sunny Tennessee.
We are right beside a walking path that has just been opened up within the last few weeks. We have seen a few people using it. Kids love riding their bikes on it. One of the entrances is right next door to the entrance to this campground. I have yet to try to walk on it, I may try later this week, to at least go a little way.
It took a bit, but between the owner and myself, we got my computer to find his WiFi and so now, I'm a happy camper.
Barney is happy, as well.. across the driveway is a bit of grassy area, and at the edge of that is a creek (Coop's creek) and the banks are low enough he can get down and get into the water. It's very shallow and is only as high as his belly. He loves running and jumping and playing in the water so much that he did it twice yesterday. After his second time in the water, We sat outside so he could dry off a bit. I took him for a short walk around the driveway. My back had been hurting me almost all day long, off and on.. about 1/2 way around the drive, it finally stopped hurting. I am thinking of trying to walk around it twice tonight, if not more.
Jerry made Breakfast today. I asked for an egg sandwich. He's feeling only a little better, but at least he's up and awake. He spent most of yesterday asleep in bed. When I woke up at 4 am. he was reading a book, but soon afterturned it off and went back to sleep. We are now waiting for a phone call in hopes of his getting another job. Can't believe that these people can't seem to get their $%^& together. Jerry will be calling that office soon to see what the rush was about since most of Friday, he ended up doing more nothing that accually working. At leaast today, I might get to clean the bedroom, unless he starts to not feel so good again.
Billie C.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Good morning August 22, 2o16
Written in the morning of August 22, 2o16
Good morning
We are back in Dunlap, in a small campground and we don't have access to the wifi.
Jerry is home sick. Having to move and set the camper up while it was raining sure didn't help him feel any better, either. The camper is not level side to side and I can sure tell. I can hope that we can fix that in a day or two when Jerry's feeling much better. I made him two plain egg sandwiches for breakfast but I'm not sure if that is going to help him feel better or not.
Outside My Door... The weekend was damp and in the low 80's and I felt like it was more the first fall day even though the first day of all is still a month away. Even some of the trees around here are changing colors.. The Hickory trees at our daughters' home are dropping their nuts already. I am thinking either we are going to have a long fall, or we are going to have an early winter, as well.
The dogs ... are glade to be out of their kennels for a while. They got some extra lovin for being so good for us. Barney and Rocky got extra loving from a lady who was out walking. She would have pet Macon as well, but she wanted to finsh her walk before it got too dark. Two of the dogs snuck in and slept with Jerry last night when I moved to the couch. I had to sit up to sleep because my back was hurting and when I woke up, Macon and slipped up on the couch to lay beside me. For a big dog, he can sure be sneaky.
From the Kitchen... I'm still not sure what I'm going to make for our dinner yet. Something quick or from the crock pot. I know I'll be putting together a salad, and I will fix potatoes, I just don't know how yet... but already Chile tater tots is sounding good to me. but I don't know if Jerry will want that, or not.
I Am Hearing... We can't seem to get any tv stations over the antenna and we didn't see any cable connections outside either. So no TV for a bit. There doesn't seem to be any Wifi yet, either. But I do have a medium to strong signal but it needs a security key. I need to see if that is the wifi for here, or if it is for someplace that is close by. There are only about 8 camper lots in this campground. It's being renovated. I am in hopes of getting the Wifi key code sometime today for the wifi.
I woke up to the Jerry's phone ringing. Then there was a crow cawing from out in the yard.. Now I'm hearing traffic from the main road through town. I think I just heard a School Bus, I hope so, that woul mean that there should be a bus stop very close by that the kids can ride to or from, for school and I can help Heather out with some child care. We can get in one radio station.. but it's not something we both really listen to very often. I think it's NPR, and last night it had on old, classical music.
I Am Wearing... Right now, I have on my flannel nighty.. but after my shower I'll be changing into shorts, most likely dark blue ones and a lighter blue t-shirt. I think that is what is on the top of the pile of my shirts. if not blue, then a red one is..
Oh, I forgot to mention. Bailey plays in the marching band and the first football game was Friday. The local team won 27 to 20, and the Band played loud and well... and Bailey's picture was taken for the local paper and a local on-line school news. I hope to post it on face book, once I can connect again.
While I am Sans Wifi... I will be going through some very old emails and saving the craft and recipes to my hard drive as well as other snippets of goodies. I needed to erase some posts that had a lot of pictures in them to make room on my own hard drive for more storage space in my AOL files. This being without wifi will give me a chance to do some more file clearing.. but if I forget and post something from two years ago... this will explain it.
I am Reading... I did down-load a few books while we were staying at Heathers and I plan on trying to catch up on reading and crafting on some cards very soon.
I am thinking... How happy we are to be back closer to Heather and her kids for a while. We do like this area very much and have not given up hope of some day, buying some land and setting up a place to live with a pad to park the camper on. We have seen several people have done that.
I am thankful for... Cooler weather and quiet nights. Soon enough, we will be in the middle of fall.
I am hoping... to have wifi access soon without having to go to Heather's all the time. But if that is what we have to do, it will be okay.
I am creating... A stronger "me". It felt good to hear that I had lost some weight from the last time I had visited a doctor from three months ago, and I want to continue to lose steadily. While I may not be able to get out and walk every day, I am going to try to get out more often. I do take the dogs on short walks, so they can potty but that is not the same as walking. There is a walking path behind the campground and I saw a few people on it while we were setting up, yesterday. I know one end stops at the Sonic's and am not sure where the other end goes, yet... and the end at Sonic's is suppose to extent all the way to the school complex. All three school for Dunlap are in one place which makes it much easier to bus the kids to school and back home again.
A few plans for today... I need to get up from here and Shower, get dressed then take the dogs out again. Breakfast and meds then clean up and put up from moving the camper.
A few plans for the rest of the week... Well.. the usual... cooking, cleaning, taking care of the dogs.. and now, hopefully. seeing Heather and the kids more often.
Billie C.
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