I had out the spray paint and I painted a Nut can I had pealed the label off of pink. Pink was just the one I had in my hand but I could have used any other color. using the left over leaves from the bowl, I used my Xyron to put glue on the back of them and then placed them around the can. It was a whim to see how it would look. Of course, I had to put a couple (3 really) On the lid.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Snowman Project plus some fall projects
I saw a really cute Snowman on Face book made with a battery operated tea light. No instructions with it. While straightening up I found one of those lights and thought. Hum, why not?
I had painted my fingernails the day before with Orange over white and still had the polish out. I used a thin coat of it to "paint" the light part orange so it would look more like a carrot. I then got out my black polish and Dabbed on two larger dots with just a bit of a line off to the side to make eyes with a toothpick, then using the same toothpick but less polish, dabbed on 5 or 6 smaller dots to make a face. I had to go to Wal-mart for the red ribbon because I could not find any here at the camper. I still need to make a hat but at least right now, I'm happy with how it turned out.
While I had the black polish out, I decided to make "faces" on my thumbnails.
I saw this idea on Pintrest if I remember. Only it called for real leaves. I found a couple of packs of leaves at the local Dollar store and picked them up,, this took less than one pack. I thought it would be too flimsy but it will hold a small amount of candy. Just use Modge Podge to glue leaves on a plastic wrapped bowl, allow to dry and then peal away the wrap.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Howdy, Oct 24, 2013
Howdy.... Good Afternoon. I hope you are doing well and keeping happily busy. It's cold outside today compared to yesterday. I need a jacket to go outside and tomorrow is suppose to be even colder than today. Yikes I'm not ready for freezing weather at all. At least it's not raining along with being cold. That may happen next week for all I know.
The Dogs are enjoying these cooler days and love to play together then lay out in the sun for a bit. I let them when I can and even take them out an extra time or two just so they can play. The cats are not as happy with this weather and two of them slept inside last night. I expected Tupelo to come in but she didn't come to the door. Fuzzy used Jerry for a bed all evening and didn't want to move when he went off to his own bed. When we got up this morning she and Strips were curled up together on his side of the couch and Macon was sleeping on my side of the couch, with his nose tucked under his tail. I guess his nose was cold cause he didn't want to get up when I started Jerry's breakfast
From the kitchen... I'm still debating wether to eat out or cook up something tonight. I'm doing laundry right now and if it takes me longer than I figured we will eat out. Otherwise I'll make hamburger something. Just can't make up my mind what that will be, I could just form patties and cook those, cook the last of the hash brown potatoes I have in the freezer and a salad .I am hearing... The dryer's working, they are rather noisy and so I'm not even going to try to hear anything else right now.
I am wearing... sweat pants (Maroon) and a pink T-shirt with butterfly's on it. not much longer and I'll have to wear long sleeves all the time. I'm not looking forward to that at all.
I am wearing... sweat pants (Maroon) and a pink T-shirt with butterfly's on it. not much longer and I'll have to wear long sleeves all the time. I'm not looking forward to that at all.
I am reading. I just finished reading Judges in The Bible and will start Ruth tomorrow. Funny how no one talks about every thing that is at the end of Judges. Fighting between the families and why they fought. I guess it's a pick and choose what you want to know sort of thing.
I am thinking. How I can stretch my food money this week so I can help Beth out a bit more. We have a large bill we have to pay this week and two next week and I'm not sure just how much I can send her this week. Thank God though, she found a job and will be filling out the paperwork tomorrow. I'm waiting to hear from Beth on what the doctor says is making Heather sick. I am praying that she never has to take her to the ER in the middle of the night ever again with a high fever.
I am hoping that Jerry has another job to go to when this one is finished. He should have but nothing is ever promised. If we do have to move, I hope and pray that it's south of here and not north. I don't want to even think about moving "up north" in winter with a camper, pets and everything we have with us.
I am creating.... I just found the artificial leafs I picked up to make a candy dish with while cleaning out a tub of stuff and once I get back to the camper think I will start that since it will need many coats of Modge Podge and will have to dry between coatings of leafs and glue. I tossed all the newspaper I had to make a paper mache pumpkin because I no longer have time to do that for Halloween this year. I will have to make a note to start that in August next year so there is plenty of time for it to dry and to be sealed with clear paint.
One of my favorite things... driving around the campground, taking pictures of the lake
I am creating.... I just found the artificial leafs I picked up to make a candy dish with while cleaning out a tub of stuff and once I get back to the camper think I will start that since it will need many coats of Modge Podge and will have to dry between coatings of leafs and glue. I tossed all the newspaper I had to make a paper mache pumpkin because I no longer have time to do that for Halloween this year. I will have to make a note to start that in August next year so there is plenty of time for it to dry and to be sealed with clear paint.
One of my favorite things... driving around the campground, taking pictures of the lake
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Howdy.... Good Afternoon. It has been raining off and on all day, more so this afternoon. Once this rain moves out, it's suppose to get colder.
I took the golf cart around this morning to take the trash to the bin. I covered it up again when I got back to keep the "decorations" dry.
I don't know when the rain is suppose to end but I heard that tomorrow will be very nice for the Haunted Trail. Had a bit of a scare yesterday. One of the boys helping to set up got hurt. He's got a badly bruised leg but at least it's not broken.I had Rocky with me when it happened and he was upset because he could hear the pain in the boys voice.
The Dogs ... are not happy with this weather. They don't want to stay outside for more than necessary.
Two of the Cats are sleeping on our beds right now. They dont like this weather either.
From the kitchen... I'm going to brown up some burger, then add it to a package of Noodles. Of course I'm going to make up a salad. I think I'll open a can of peas to go with it all.
I am wearing... Black sweat pants and a white T-shirt with a beaded butterfly on it.
I am reading... Still reading Forwarned.
I am thankful for... Matthew Not haveing a broken leg. I knw he's sore but that will heal
I am hoping... That the rain stops and that I can find out where I'll be stationed on soon. I want to see it in the daylight so I will be comfortable in the dark there.
I am creating... I used my Xyron to put "glue" on the back of a few things I had cut out a while ago then stuck them onto some blank cards I have made up, as well. I an looking for my craft journal so I can write that into it. I washed the mats to my Cricut as well and they are now drying in the dish rack. I am thinking of doing some paper cutting here in a bit.
One of my favorite things... Watching the dogs play. They can get so goofy
I took the golf cart around this morning to take the trash to the bin. I covered it up again when I got back to keep the "decorations" dry.
I don't know when the rain is suppose to end but I heard that tomorrow will be very nice for the Haunted Trail. Had a bit of a scare yesterday. One of the boys helping to set up got hurt. He's got a badly bruised leg but at least it's not broken.I had Rocky with me when it happened and he was upset because he could hear the pain in the boys voice.
The Dogs ... are not happy with this weather. They don't want to stay outside for more than necessary.
Two of the Cats are sleeping on our beds right now. They dont like this weather either.
From the kitchen... I'm going to brown up some burger, then add it to a package of Noodles. Of course I'm going to make up a salad. I think I'll open a can of peas to go with it all.
I am wearing... Black sweat pants and a white T-shirt with a beaded butterfly on it.
I am reading... Still reading Forwarned.
I am thankful for... Matthew Not haveing a broken leg. I knw he's sore but that will heal
I am hoping... That the rain stops and that I can find out where I'll be stationed on soon. I want to see it in the daylight so I will be comfortable in the dark there.
I am creating... I used my Xyron to put "glue" on the back of a few things I had cut out a while ago then stuck them onto some blank cards I have made up, as well. I an looking for my craft journal so I can write that into it. I washed the mats to my Cricut as well and they are now drying in the dish rack. I am thinking of doing some paper cutting here in a bit.
One of my favorite things... Watching the dogs play. They can get so goofy
While I was driving Rocky around the path, we had to weave our way around a few things. Rocky thought these were real people and I had to let him smell them up close before he stopped growling at them
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Howdy.... I do hope that your having a great day. It's a bit cloudy and cool here but not so cool that I can't have the door open for a bit. The back window is open and the cats seem to think it's their personal doorway into the camper. The trees here are very pretty, that is the ones that haven't lost their leaf's yet. I need to take more pictures. Yesterday, I took my four Mum plants to the entrance and planted them under the sign to the campground around the roses.. So many thorns that I have to be extra careful.
The first night of the trail is coming up and I still don't know where along the trail I'll be stationed and what I'm expected to do. We will see.
I decorated my golf cart yesterday, all but the lights. I still need to find command hooks to put them up with. I could use tie wraps but I'd rather use the command hooks cause I can put them where I want them.
The dogs are enjoying this weather. They get to spend over 45 minutes outside most morning and time outside in the afternoon, before I start dinner and about 15 minutes before Jerry gets home from work. Barney wants to play and Macon will usually play with him, Rocky, not so much, but every now and then he will start something. I need to get the play balls out from under the couch again and take one out for Barney. Yesterday afternoon it was the yellow squeeky ball and he had a blast squeeking it and tossing it then bringing it to me to toss for him. He has so much fun with that ball. He was wore out and went to sleep early last night. while cleaning out the living room I noticed that the dog's toy box was in sad shape to I've tossed it out after I emptied it. I tossed all of Barney's rocks outside and he found one and was playing with it while we were waiting for Jerry to get home from work.
That is one big rock that Barney loves to play with.
Dinner tonight is going to be a Salad, Chicken baked in a can of Cream of Chicken soup, and I'm thinking of making either a pot of rice or instant mashed potatoes to go with them. I made up a Sugar Free Chocolate Pumpkin Cake yesterday by putting a can of pumpkin in a sugar free cake mix and it was okay but I'll not be doing that again. Jerry wasn't happy with it. I do have a white cake mix that I'll do next time, and I'll add some pumpkin pie spice to it when I make it up.
I am hearing... I have caught up all the back shows of Y&R through last Friday. I am saving that one, Mondays and maybe yesterday's show as well.. I will have to see today's show before I make up my mind on it as well. Right now, the noon news is coming on
Howdy.... I do hope that your having a great day. It's a bit cloudy and cool here but not so cool that I can't have the door open for a bit. The back window is open and the cats seem to think it's their personal doorway into the camper. The trees here are very pretty, that is the ones that haven't lost their leaf's yet. I need to take more pictures. Yesterday, I took my four Mum plants to the entrance and planted them under the sign to the campground around the roses.. So many thorns that I have to be extra careful.
The first night of the trail is coming up and I still don't know where along the trail I'll be stationed and what I'm expected to do. We will see.
I decorated my golf cart yesterday, all but the lights. I still need to find command hooks to put them up with. I could use tie wraps but I'd rather use the command hooks cause I can put them where I want them.
The dogs are enjoying this weather. They get to spend over 45 minutes outside most morning and time outside in the afternoon, before I start dinner and about 15 minutes before Jerry gets home from work. Barney wants to play and Macon will usually play with him, Rocky, not so much, but every now and then he will start something. I need to get the play balls out from under the couch again and take one out for Barney. Yesterday afternoon it was the yellow squeeky ball and he had a blast squeeking it and tossing it then bringing it to me to toss for him. He has so much fun with that ball. He was wore out and went to sleep early last night. while cleaning out the living room I noticed that the dog's toy box was in sad shape to I've tossed it out after I emptied it. I tossed all of Barney's rocks outside and he found one and was playing with it while we were waiting for Jerry to get home from work.
That is one big rock that Barney loves to play with.
Dinner tonight is going to be a Salad, Chicken baked in a can of Cream of Chicken soup, and I'm thinking of making either a pot of rice or instant mashed potatoes to go with them. I made up a Sugar Free Chocolate Pumpkin Cake yesterday by putting a can of pumpkin in a sugar free cake mix and it was okay but I'll not be doing that again. Jerry wasn't happy with it. I do have a white cake mix that I'll do next time, and I'll add some pumpkin pie spice to it when I make it up.
I am hearing... I have caught up all the back shows of Y&R through last Friday. I am saving that one, Mondays and maybe yesterday's show as well.. I will have to see today's show before I make up my mind on it as well. Right now, the noon news is coming on
I am wearing... a pink top and maroon sweat pants..
I am reading... Forewarned A horse and healing mystery.
I am creating... I had fun decorating my gold cart yesterday. I need to cut "faces" into a few cans tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Howdy.. Oct 8
Howdy.... And Good evening. Not much going on around here today. I did drive the golf cart around a bit. I didn't go past the chain across the road although I have permission to. The direction I went I have to get too close to the pole and it feels like I'm tipping the cart over before I turn it back toward the road. I did go check out the small area that I took pictures in a few days ago, but I forgot the battery for my camera and had to go back for it.
I took some stale crackers to the ducks and got a few pictures of them.
The geese wouldn't come close until after I left the area.
I spent most of this afternoon, straightening out my canned goods and the storage under the counter by the fridge as well as the counter itself. Now maybe I can finds things there, again. I really needed to straighten it up so I can get to my bread maker easier. I want to make some fresh bread this week as a treat. I made a way to keep track of what canned goods I have, not counting the cans of stuff I kept out for our dinner tonight. Oops. I burned the creamed corn. I really have trouble not burning creamed corn. Not matter how close I watch it, it ends up scorched. Even when I use the microwave I have a tendency to cook it too long.
I had the dogs out several times today. It was nice and cool and they would play for a bit before wanting to come back into the camper. The cats were all staying outside today. Strips came in for a bit but then begged to go back outside once he got warmed up.
We had cloudy skies and rain yesterday. Jerry got rained out and we took my phone to the local Sprint office only to find out, It's not the phone but the system. and it's acting up even worse today. I had hoped that shutting off the phone then re-starting it would solve the problem but it didn't. I now have a phone number to call and complain to every day until it's fixed. The people at the office claim it's a tower issue. I don't know, I just know that, when Beth calls me, I answer and I'm talking to dead air. She can't hear me but knows I've answered the phone. She then hangs up and I can call her and it's okay. All the phone calls on my birthday was like that, as well. I can do that after each call but it's frustrating as all get out.
We are expecting rain again tomorrow. From sounds of things it's going to be more of a drizzle than a rain for most of the day but you never can tell just what is going to happen. Won't know until it happens if Jerry will get rained out again or not. I hope not, or else he may have to make it up on Saturday. He's already going to have to miss 1/2 of Friday because I have a doctors appointment . I'm not going to ask Joey again to take me.
From the kitchen... What's for dinner today, Salad, Ham steak, Cream Corn and peas.
I am hearing... NCIS is on. I heard the Geese come in for the night a bit ago. I've heard the neighbors heater going off and on during the day. A few birds during the day and crickets.
I am wearing... Black Sweat Pants and a purple short sleep top.
I am reading... Forewarned, a Horse and Healing Mystery.
I am creating... A Colorful Golf Cart. I have fall leaves around the top and picked up some artificial gourds to hang from the edges over the weekend. I also need to start the paper mache pumpkins I want to make. Jerry has cut the faces out of two cans and I sprayed one of the cans orange today.
One of my favorite things... watching the dogs play together. We are in a habit of, once I start dinner and it can just be keeping warm on the stove, I take the dogs out until Jerry gets home from work, They get to greet him outside and can express their joy of seeing him before we have to go back into the camper for the night.
A few plans for the rest of the week... Not sure if I'll be working on stuff for the Haunted Trail this week or not. I've not heard from Wanda since last Friday. But I'll be ready. I want to cut out cards for Halloween for the Grand kids this week and get them in the mail soon. I made them cards last year, as well.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Howdy.... and good afternoon. I hope you are doing well and are having a good day. It's nice and peaceful here. The Wi-fi is still being worked on, Now it seems that the problem is with the provider's side of things. I'm sitting in my living room writing this and will send it off here in a bit when I go down to the office to get the bulk of my emails downloaded to my computer and to send off a few things. It's a nice day to spend some of it outside, that's for sure.
I know the dogs enjoyed a merry chase of each other this morning. Even with being limited to how long the leads are (20 foot each) they can still get some speed up. And they each know just how far they can run and not snap at the end of the line. Well, Barney likes that snap sometimes, I think, either that or he's just plumb forgetful. The cats all know just how long these leads are and if they don't want Barney to be sniffing all about them, will sit just out of reach, teasing him to just try.
From the kitchen... Instead of a roast I'm going to use 5 to 6 hamburger patties and cook in the slow cooker. When it's almost time for Jerry to get home. I'll cook up some Hash Brown Potatoes to put the gravy over and we will start our meal with a salad. Not sure if we will have a dessert or not yet. After dinner last night, Jerry went searching for something "sweet" but I'm not sure that the handful of Nilla Wafers was enough.
I know the dogs enjoyed a merry chase of each other this morning. Even with being limited to how long the leads are (20 foot each) they can still get some speed up. And they each know just how far they can run and not snap at the end of the line. Well, Barney likes that snap sometimes, I think, either that or he's just plumb forgetful. The cats all know just how long these leads are and if they don't want Barney to be sniffing all about them, will sit just out of reach, teasing him to just try.
From the kitchen... Instead of a roast I'm going to use 5 to 6 hamburger patties and cook in the slow cooker. When it's almost time for Jerry to get home. I'll cook up some Hash Brown Potatoes to put the gravy over and we will start our meal with a salad. Not sure if we will have a dessert or not yet. After dinner last night, Jerry went searching for something "sweet" but I'm not sure that the handful of Nilla Wafers was enough.
3 Envelope Roast
3 pound beef roast such as chuck roast
1 envelope of dry Italian salad dressing mix
1 envelope of dry ranch salad dressing mix
1 envelope of dry brown gravy mix
2 cups water
3 pound beef roast such as chuck roast
1 envelope of dry Italian salad dressing mix
1 envelope of dry ranch salad dressing mix
1 envelope of dry brown gravy mix
2 cups water
Instructions :
Put the water in a measuring cup that is larger then the amount of water you are using. Now add and mix all three envelopes to the water. Mix until blended completely.
Brown the roast (if desired). Add the meat to your cooker. Pour the water, salad dressing mixture over the roast. In the slow cooker cook it on high for about 4 hours on low about 8 hours.
Put the water in a measuring cup that is larger then the amount of water you are using. Now add and mix all three envelopes to the water. Mix until blended completely.
Brown the roast (if desired). Add the meat to your cooker. Pour the water, salad dressing mixture over the roast. In the slow cooker cook it on high for about 4 hours on low about 8 hours.
I am wearing... Dark Red Sweat pants and a white T-shirt. By the end of this afternoon, I may feel like I should be in shorts but I doubt I'll change out by then.
I read "Kate's Song" in one go the other night. Once I got started I didn't want to stop and it was almost 3 am before I went to bed. I sure needed that nap Sunday afternoon but when I woke up, I saw that Jerry was taking a nap, as well. I am starting " What A Young Woman Ought To Know. It was written in the late 1890's.
One of my favorite things... taking my camera with me while I ride around the campground, taking pictures of the changes in the trees.
A few plans for today... I need to finish cleaning the camper, go to the office and download my emails, and start dinner.
I read "Kate's Song" in one go the other night. Once I got started I didn't want to stop and it was almost 3 am before I went to bed. I sure needed that nap Sunday afternoon but when I woke up, I saw that Jerry was taking a nap, as well. I am starting " What A Young Woman Ought To Know. It was written in the late 1890's.
One of my favorite things... taking my camera with me while I ride around the campground, taking pictures of the changes in the trees.
A few plans for today... I need to finish cleaning the camper, go to the office and download my emails, and start dinner.
A few plans for the rest of the week... I need to go through all my Cricut carts and see which ones look like they have Halloween type stuff on them.
Billie C.
Smile, it makes people wonder what you have been up to.
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