Friday, December 14, 2007

Time to start posting

Well. I guess it's time I start writting to this blog, right?

I'm a 50 yr old woman. Who had a farm but left it to her youngest daughter so she could go with her Hubby where he works. He's a Top Journeyman Electriction in Heavy Indrustrial and he has to go where the work is, and there isn't any of that in Missouri. Do I miss my farm? You Bet. but I missed him more when he's on the road and I'm at home. The sad thing is, though. after leaving my daughter the farm things went down hill fast.. the horses got out. one died, the other's kept by a neighbor for damanges they may have done to his place. she's lost all but one of the dogs, and now she's moved off the farm because the ceiling in the kitchen fell down. It's just been one thing on top of anther out there. And there isn't a thing I could do to help her out. I can send her money, but that only pays for the food. not the time it takes to feed the animals and sometimes, it sounded like it was much more important to her to go with her frends to the lake that spend a few extra minues with "her" animals or mine. I know that isn't how it was, but it felt like it.

I am at a lost right now. I'm sitting in motel rooms. doing nothing but reading emails. saving recipes that I know I'll never make, because of my diabetis and knowing that some (most) of the foods in them are things my Hubby will not eat either. I don't have room for much craft stuff and any more I have no intrest in doing much crafting anyway... I lost most of that when I found almost every item I had ever made tossed away in the garbage, when we moved onto the farm.. hours and hours of work, tossed out, ruined, and dis regarded.

On the day of Graduation, Our youngests' we left Missouri so that DH could start his job on Monday.. the drive was un eventful. We found Rockingham NC to be very boring. Unless you liked going to the bar there was nothing to do. Well, there were the drag races, but I just went along with Hubby. . . I have no idea what was going on. but we did pick up a pup while in Rockingham, who has the name of Rocky. for where we got him at. He's been a smart little dog and is learning well. He sits, lays and sometimes will speak when I tell him to. Will go into his kennel most of the times I tell him to. and is walking on my left side.. now , We have been working on his not pulling me around the block. he's pulls and pulls and pulls... but not as hard as he use to. We got him so I would have to get out of the motel room a few times a day. otherwise,, well. I just sit in front of the computer, not moving and having more and more trouble controling my blood sugar. at least with walking him. I have to move. In November, we spend 6 days at our oldest daughter's home, for Thanksgiving. She's not a fan of the dog, but allowed us to keep him in his kennel in her home. I don't blame her for not wanting him to run around. he did want to jump on her daugther but we finlly got him to stop doing that, the day before we left. Now we are in Vicksburg Mississippi. Its lots of history and things to do. the one main drawback is that I have to walk the pup 1/2 way around the block for potty breaks.. that is after going down 4 flights of stairs. most times the elevator is turned on.. sometimes it's not.. I hurt my knee a week ago and going up and down stairs hurts . It's just part of living, I guess. I miss my farm, though.

Sunday, August 26, 2007